Anomalous Magnetization and Magnetoresistance of Fe-Ni Invar under High Magnetic Fields
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Magnetization measurements have been made for Fe -Ni Invar alloys in highmagnetic fiejds up to 180 kOe at high temperatures up to 850 K. In contrast to the caseof pure Fe and pure Ni, M'-II/M curves for Invar alloys are hardly described byLandau's phenomenological equation in a high field region above 100 kOe. Namely,the M'-H/M curves are bent upward in high fields. F'urthermore, it was observed thatthe magnetization curve is deviated upward from linearity by applying high fields in ahigher temperature region. This additional magnetization over the usual one wasreconfirmed by means of the transversal magnetoresistance effect tneasured with a pulsehigh field up to 300 kOe. This anomalous magneti>nation induced by a high field isconsidered to be due to re-polarization of low spin states of constituent Fe atoms
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1977-08-15
Hatta Shin-ichiro
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Hatta Shin-ichiro
Institute For Solid State Physics Unibersity Of Tokyo
Chikazumi Soshin
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
HAYAKAWA Masatoshi
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Chikazumi Soshin
Institute For Solid State Physics Unibersity Of Tokyo
Hayakawa Masatoshi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
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