Flow Through a Rotating Curved Duct with Square Cross-Section
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The incotaapressible viscous ste;tdy flow tlarotrgh a curved dtrct of sqttare cross-section driven bya presstrre gradient along the duct is considered. The rotation of tl'ae dtrct about the centre of thectrrvatture is inaposed to investigate the conabined effects of' rotation (Coriolis force) and curvatvrre(centriftrgal f'orce) on the flow. The ntrtnerical cttlcul?ttions covering a wide ratage of' rotationalspeed are carried otrt for the Dean ntrtnbers, D.,., of 400, 642 and 800. When the rotation isin the same as the rnain flow direction, raaultiple soltrtions xvith 2-cell and 4-cell secondary flowpatterns are obtained in case of D.,. : 400 and 642, xvhile onl3' 4-cell soltrtion is obtained in caseof D. = 800. XVhen the rotation is opposite to the raaain flow direction, the 6-cell secondaryflow pattern is obtained f'or D,. : 400, 642 and D.. : 800 xvith increasing the rotational speedgradually. For all catses, the total fltrx thr'ottgh tlue dttct laas a sharp peak, where the 6-cell patternappears.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-04-15
YANASE Shinichiro
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Yamamoto K
Harima Institute Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research):graduate School Of Engineer
Yamamoto Kyoji
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Okayama University
Yamamoto Kyoji
Department Of Aeromautical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
ALAM Md.Mahmud
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Okayama University
Yanase Shinichiro
Department Of Engineering Sciences Okayama University
Alam Md.mahmud
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Okayama University
Yanase Shinichiro
Department Of Engineering Sciences Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Yamamoto Kyoji
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Okayama University
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