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本稿の課題は農業構造の再編成の動向とからんで,農家の経営耕地規模階層の変動と関連する要因を計量的に検出することにある。三つの重回帰モデルを設定し,都府県別データのクロス・セクション方式による計測により,モデルに採り入れた変数の経営耕地規模階層の変動との関連性に検討を加えた。依然として,兼業と結合した稲作が農業構造の固定性と関連が深いけれども,経営耕地規模拡大の要因として,従来の局地的な労働市場の条件に加えて,農業所得,水田面積,労働生産性など経営内容にかかわる変数が関連するようになるなど,新しい要因が農家の経営耕地規模の変動に影響を及ぼすようになってきている。In this paper, the author tried to detect the factors affecting structural changes in Japanese agriculture. Three regression models were tested; agricultural and non-agricultural income model, productivity and family labor allocation model, and land and product composition model. The conclusions are as follows. Japanese agriculture owes considerable part of its structural rigidity to the part-time farmers raising rice, equipped with the newly developed small-sized machines, their households being partly supported by non-agricultural income. Where these conditions are not secured, the larger part of farmers abandon their cultivations. Movements to larger scale cultivations are strongly stimulated by scarce oppotunity for employment, but recently, larger agricultural income, broader paddy field and higher productivity appear as the favorable conditions for these movements. Thus, agricultural factors seems to gather influence on structural changes in Japanese agriculture.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
- 1982-01-31
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