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性格について諸種の議論のある水稲作上層農の形成をもたらす「両極化傾向」を昭和40年代の前半と後半を対比させて格討した。前半に規模拡大の傾向を示すことの多かった「典型的」な水稲作農家は,米の生産調整のもと,後半には一転して規模縮小に傾き,規模拡大の動きはより多く平均反収に規定されて,主要米作地帯に集中する傾向が認められる。This paper deals with the structural changes in Japanese rice production in the decade from 1965 to 1975, in the latter half of which the first adjustment of rice production was introduced. The author concludes that the movements for rice growing area expansion, which were wide spread in the first half of the decade, became slack, and concentrated in north Japan under production adjustment. It seems that, though the state of labour markets has strong effects on the movements, the regional productivity of rice cultivation is gathering influence. Large scale rice cultivations, formerly rare, are increasing in north Japan but with slow steps.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
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