イギリス後期中等教育における経済学 : 'Economics Education 14-16,Final Report' を中心に
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イギリス(ここではイングランドとウェールズ)後期中等教育における経済学教育の普及を目指して組織されたEconomics Education 14-16 Projectの第1段階は,イギリス後期中等教育における経済学教育の実態を明らかにするとともに,14~16歳の年齢層に経済学の普及をはかるための基本方針の設定を目標とするものであった。経済的理解力の国民的普及をはかるには,従来,経済学との接触の乏しかった,能力水準の平均的な層,下位の層を普及の主たる対象としなくてはならないが,そのために,中等学校経済学をどのようなものとして構想するか,中等教育への経済学導入の可否をめぐる論争と関連して,この課題に対する同プロジェクトの対応を検討する。It is usually argued that economics is highly abstract discpline,therefore cannot be taught effectively to younger and less able children,who can only memorize economic facts and institutions,The survey of Economics Education 14-16 Project,planned for the promotion of economic literacy in that age group,ascertained that relatively more pupils of above average ability and less of average and below average ability study economics.The Final Report of the Project:Phase 1.recommended that for the extention of economics,special attention should be paid to the pupils of average and below average ability,and there should be primary emphasis on‘personal economics’and other descriptive elements.Though it seems that the Report agrees to the usual view on economics education,and intends to provide those pupils with mere substitutions of economic theory,we suppose that these recommendations are based on the recognition of real value of‘personal economics’.It can be valuable for understanding economics 1.because it provides essntial elements of‘economics for cittzen-ship’.2.because it can stir up pupils' interest in economics through their experience of dayly life,and 3.because it can serve as a starting point for studying abstract concepts and principles of economics.
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