小麦萎縮病に関する遺伝学的研究 : 第1報小麦Green mosaic病の発現に関与する遺伝因子
- 論文の詳細を見る
There are two types of wheat mosaic virus, green and yellow, distributed in Japan as reported by WADA and FUKANO. Judging from the results of these authors, it seems that green mosaic virus exists in Nara prefecture (Sakurai city) and yellow mosaic in Mie prefecture (Tsu city,at Tokai-Kinki National Agric. Exp. Sta. farm). The methods of testing the green mosaic inheritance are as follows : The green mosaic infection of F_2 generation was decided from the parents and iactor hypothesis and factor analysis as shown in report. This report brought to light the 2 susceptible genes, (H, M) and one modifying gene (A) controlling the occurrence of wheat green mosaic virus judging from the results obtained, infection of F_2 plants among the strong and weak varietal crosses in Sakurai city. Results obtained are briefy summerized as follows : 1 Three genes determine the occurrence of green mosaic virus on wheat. 2. Among these 3 genes, 2 susceptible genes. (H. M) and one mddifying gene (A) specificially inhibiting to H gene, seem to determine the occurrence of green mosaic virus. 3. Judging from the data obtained, varieties having the H gene seem to be inclined to susceptiblility for green mosaic.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1958-12-20
中川 元興
中川 元興
曽我 義雄
岡島 楢治
芳岡 昭夫
西俣 大典
曾我 義雄
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