小麦品種の粒質に関する研究 : 第1報 小麦の粉質と硝子質を支配する遺伝因子
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15 crosses were used to study on the inheritance of kernel texture in wheat varieties which affects mealy and glassy of kernels and results were shown in table 1 and figure 1. From these results, the inheritance of kernel texture was proved to be influenced by factors in the generation of F_2 seed. The method of testing of kernel texture may be described as follows : After harvested, each kernel of parents and F_2 Seed was cut off middle part of kernel (cross section) by razer blade on the glass plate, and cross section of kernel was magnifyed by the magnifying glass (2. 5 fold) and selection which was made after a thorough comparison can be classified as follows. Glassy kernel (G) decided to select completely glassy, semi-glassy kernel (g) was selected almost parts (over 80%) of cross section were occupied by glassy, semi-mealy kernel (m) are occupied by mealy over 80% and mealy kernei (M) completely mealy. Segregation ratios was compared with glassy (contained G and g) and mealy (contained M and m). The results of segcrregation ratios to lernel texture of F_2 Seed generation, the factor hypothes and factor analysis were applied in this report as mentioned above. Results obtained may be summerized as follows.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1957-03-25
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