小麦品種の赤カビ病抵抗性に関する研究 : 第3報 赤カビ病の発病穂数歩合並に発病小穂数歩合と発病粒歩合との関係
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Fusaarial head blight, caused chiefly by Gibberella Saubindtti, (Mont.)Sacc. has been on,e of the most distructive diseases of the wheat in Tokai-Kinki districts. No. I (AAbbCC), wichita (AABBCC), Shinchunaga The work to breed. new resistant varieties has been continued in National Tokai-Kinki Agricultural Experiment Station, in Japan. Ear-Scab resistance in 7 varieties, Saitama No. 27 (aaBBCC), Ejima (aabbCC), Norin No. 26 (aaBBcc), Norin50(AAbbcc),and Norin No 12 (AABBCC), were tested for reaction to fusarial head blight in the field, both under natural conditions and artificially sprayed with a suspension of spores and hyphae of the blight fungus. The percentage of diseased heads of the varieties in the "variety test" was determined shortly before maturity (at dough stage), when the effect of the diseased was still clearly visible. As to the "seedreaction ", the plants were harvested and threshed individually, and. the percentage of diseased kernels was determined by actual count. Thus the percentages of blighted beads; and spikelets and the percentage of blighted seeds wer~ compared under a given set of conditions. Blighted kernal grades were also tested, compairing the percentage of healthy, imperfect, and diseased kernels on spike accoding to diffcrent variets. The results obtained are as follows :
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1955-10-20
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