小麦品種の赤カビ病抵抗性に関する研究 : 第4報 赤カビ病菌によるアルコール醗酵
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H. RAISTRICK tested alchohol fermentation by .using 23 species of Fusarium and concluded that " the main biochemical characteristic of species of Fusarium is that, Iike the Saccharomyces, they give rise to large amounts of alcohol from giucose ". Author tested produced alcohol by using the EarScab infected spikelets (glume and kernel) of wheat varities, N~rin Nos. 32 and 34. Quantitative determinatiori of alcohol was followed by the method of K_2Cr_2O_7. Results obtained are shown in Table 1l. The author used the Ear-Scab resistant varieties, Shinchunaga and susceptible one, Norin No. 12. At the beginning of fioweting of spikelets were taken away from the rachis. The rachis were put into a test tube and covered with cotton at the mouth .and sealed with paraffin and the translocating juice from the rachis was collected in the test tube. Sample juice was poured into a test tube which cultured Fusarium fungus purely. 5cc of the fungus mixed juice was used as fermentation tnaterial. Warburg apparatus was used as fermentation apparatus for the test of alcohol produced by the fermenting material at 27'C for 3 days, and the amount Of alcohol from the fermentation was measured by the method of K_2Cr_2O_7.0. 2cc. of toluene was poured into the fermenting materials before fermentation. Results are shown in Table 2.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1955-10-20
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