- 論文の詳細を見る
Introduction of multicard selector into hospital pharmacy for the control of injection drugs was discussed. A total of 16 items of the injection preparations used in the Nagoya University Hospital were coded on IBM cards. The items included trade name, standard commodity classification, name of manufacturer, expiration date, drug tariff, annual consumption, annual expenses, specification and storage. That method enabled to select cards from any direction and to keep effective control. It was found by the use of the selector that injection drugs to be purchased in the new fiscal year are chosen on the basis of the record in the previous year, and the pharmacy control is made more efficiently by selecting the frequently used drugs and putting them out quickly. The cards of the drugs with shorts shelf life are selected from time to time to keep watch on their turnover so as to prevent storage after expiration date.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1978-08-20
須原 清治
篠田 正彦
須原 清治
酒向 鈴春
溝口 昌男
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