III.南極の菌類に関する研究 : 1.研究史(南極Victoria LandのDry Valley調査報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present authors reviewed the history of research and contributions in Antarctic mycology. Beginning with the first original study by EKELOF (1907, 1908) on the molds from the soil at Snow Hill Island, east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (material collected during the Swedish Antarctic Expedition of 1901-1903, led by NORDENSKJOLD), a number of reports concerning the fungi in Antarctica have been made in subsequent years. Particularly since the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, many studies have been made by mycologists of the fungi in Antarctica, e. g., Phycomycetes (HARDER and PERSIEL, 1962), yeasts (DI MENNA, 1960, 1966a, 1966b ; SONEDA, 1961), molds (TUBAKI, 1961a, 1961b ; CORTE and DAGLIO, 1962, 1963 ; TUBAKI and ASANO, 1965), and mushrooms (SINGER, 1954, 1957 ; SINGER and CORTE, 1962). Recently, SIEBURTH (1965) presented a comprehensive review on the development of studies in microbiology of Antarctica in general.
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