Chilo Iridescent Virusの交差感染に関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
For determining the experimental host range of CIV, larvae or adults of various species were inoculated with CIV. The infection with CIV in insects was confirmed by iridescence peculiar in this virus. Further, the progress of CIV infection by the appearance of iridescence and the influence of virus multiplication on the host were examined in the following larvae : Pieris rapar crucivora BOISDUVAL, Dendrolimus spectabilis BUTLER and Galleria mellonella L. In addition to the original host Chilo suppressalis WALKER, the larvae of six species of Lepidoptera and one species of Hymenoptera were infected by the injection of CIV. Among these hosts of CIV, two species of Lepidoptera were proved to be infected by feeding. The latent periods of CIV were very short but were different in the three species or the different instar of D. spectabilis. CIV sensitivities of pericardial cell, fat body and epidermal cell were very high in many hosts. The iridescence was also observed in the surface of alimentary cannal, trachial epithelium, inside tissues of head, silk gland, salivary gland, malpighian tubule, muscle, testis and brain of host insects. Sensitivities of the above mentioned tissues or organs, however, were different in the three species. Many CIV infected larvae of G. mellonella which were of nondiapause in nature had survived in prepupal stage for a few months but in the other species, larvae died of infection within a few weeks.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1968-03-25
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