カンザワハダニに対する茶樹の抵抗性に関する研究 : 第2報 ハダニの寄主選択
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As has been reported in the preceding paper, different varieties of tea plants are infested by the tea red spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai KISHIDA, in a very different measure ; the varieties Asatuyu, Benihomare, Tamamidori, U-4 and Y-1 are susceptible to the infestation by the mite, while Y-3,Y-5 and Z-1 are resistant. In order to make clear the causes of the varietal differences, some indoor experiments on food-plant selection were undertaken. The mite has an ability to elect tea leaves as a food, in turn, leaves of the susceptible varieties are preferable to resistant variety leaves. The mite also prefers young leaves to mature leaves within a variety. These finding are in good agreement with the results from the field observations. Among two phases of insect behaviour by which food-plant selection is brought about, the first phase (food finding behaviour) seems to be less important for the food-plant selection of this mite, because the mites attain initially on both susceptible and resistant variety leaves of tea in equal numbers when they are allowed to choose tea leaves. It is considered, therefore, that the second phase of the food-plant selection, food acceptance, is responsible for determining the food-plant selection of the mite, and, consequently the mite infestation of tea plants.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1963-09-30
- II-B.植物ダニ学の諸問題(日本応用動物昆虫学会第11回シンポジウム記録)
- B5 リンゴ園におけるモモシンクイガのフェロモントラップ誘殺数の分布(発生予察・被害解析・防除技術)
- TC3 カンザワハダニをめぐる諸問題(ハダニ類の発生生態と防除に関する諸問題 : ハダニ談話会)
- B-22 チャノコカクモンハマキ性フェロモンの微量成分の光学異性体の生物活性(生理学・フェロモン)
- 性フェロモンおよびその構成成分によるチャノコカクモンハマキの性行動阻害
- 252. カンザワハダニ加害習性の発生予察応用への試み
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- 茶園におけるカンザワハダニ生息密度の季節的消長
- 349 チャノホコリダニおよびシクラメンホコリダニ各期の形態と加害(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 347 カンザワハダニの繁殖する茶樹受容力の季節的差異について(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- カンザワハダニに対する茶樹の抵抗性に関する研究 : 第2報 ハダニの寄主選択
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- 75 茶を加害するカンザワハダニの休眠性に関する2, 3の知見(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
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