- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes in sexual activity in relation to aging and the effect of mating frequency in terms of number of spermatophores on reproduction were investigated in the oriental tea tortrix, Homona magnanima, at 25℃ under a 16L-8D regime. The percentage of virgin females in a calling posture increased with age and the peak activity was observed when they were 3 days old. Old virgin females resumed the calling posture earlier than the young ones after light off. Adult males which showed such activities as walking, wing vibration and flight were designated as active males. The 2-day-old males accounted for the highest percentage of active males. Males were most active during 3 to 5 hr after light off irrespective of their age. The mating activity was highest during 2-4 days after emergence in both sexes. Mated females laid eggs mostly during the earlier half of the dark phase and spent the later half for calling and/or mating. There were no differences between single and multiple matings in the total number of eggs deposited, viability of eggs and adult longevity of females.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1983-02-25
川崎 建次郎
加納 昌彦
桐谷 圭治
川崎 建次郎
加納 昌彦
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