有機物の地域循環システムの成立条件に関する考察 : 兵庫県下の堆肥化施設を事例として
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Recently the agricultural production systems which use much pesticides and chemical fertilizers have produced evil effects on environment and food's safety among others. One of the ways to solve this problem is agricultural production systems which consider importance of recycling. At the present time, the regional recycling system of organic matter has not yet been established. However, in case of Ichijima town and Sayou town, each livestock waste composting facility, which plays an important role in the regional recycling system of organic matter, was established by each local goverment and these function successfully compared to other facilities. This paper investigates the case of Ichijima town and Sayou town and indicates the conditions for the operation of the regional recycling system of organic matter. The most important conditions are as follows. First, it is important to forward the regional recycling system of organic matter in the area with many potential participants, without promoting them at the same time. Second it is essential for the powerful leader to direct the regional participants. Third, it is necessary for an organization such as the local government to support the livestock waste composting facility.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1998-01-30
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