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In order to elucidate the taste receptor mechanism for umami tasting substance, monosodium Lglutamate (MSG) and sweet amino acids, the responses of isolated mouse taste receptor cells were investigated using patch-clamp techniques and optical recordings with voltage-sensitive dyes. The effects of the substances that exert synergism with MSG or D-phenylalanine were also investigated. In some taste receptor cells isolated from the circumvallate and foliate papillae, persistent inward currents were induced by MSG (40-85mM) at a holding potential of -60 mV. The inward currents were reversed at about +10 mV and accompanied with slight conductance increase by 14% on average, indicating involvement of non-selective cation channels in the induced currents. In other cells, MSG induced outward currents at a holding potential of -80 mV. Optical recording showed that MSG slowly depolarized several cells both in a clump of taste bud cells isolated from circumvallate papilla and in an intact taste bud of fungiform papilla. 5'-GMP and 5'-IMP (1 mM), the enhancer of MSG response, increased the whole-cell K^+ outward currents. Sweet amino acids, D-phenylalanine (D-Phe, 100 mM) and D-tryptophan (D-Try, 20mM), suppressed the whole-cell outward K^+ currents as well as single K^+ channel activities in a cell-attached patch. When 2 mM saccharin, the synergist, was added to D-Phe, the outward K^+ currents were suppressed more strongly. Optical recordings showed that strong depolarization in some taste bud cells induced by D-Try and D-Phe (20 mM) was eliminated by the addition of K^+ channel blocker to the bath.
- 日本味と匂学会の論文
- 5.味覚・うま味と自律神経活動(摂食機能と味覚・うま味の関連-5)
- 1.特集にあたって(摂食機能と味覚・うま味の関連-1)
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- 基礎研究と社会的ニーズとの接点
- S-1-2 Candidate receptors and signal transduction mechanisms on umami : Umami Sessionを振り返って(ISOT/JASTS 2004)
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- レプチンと味覚(II 食欲調節因子と味覚-3)
- 特集にあたって(II 食欲調節因子と味覚-1)
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- ベルソーブックス 003 魚の発酵食品 藤井建夫著, 成山堂書店, 152頁, 1,600円, 2000年4月
- うま味の文化・UMAMIの科学, 山口 静子 監修, 丸善株式会社, 207頁, 1,500円, 1999年
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- 生物物理から見た生命像4,日本生物物理学会編集, 知覚のセンサー-生物の巧みなシグナルの獲得, 編集担当 津田基之, 127頁, 3,500円, 吉岡書店, 1997
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- マウス味蕾細胞に対する環状ヌクレオチドの作用(第30回味と匂のシンポジウム)
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- 1. 特集にあたって(味覚(うま味)と口腔保健:より健康な生活を目指して)