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The historical records of tsunamis caused by Hoei and the Ansei Nankai earthquakes in the Edo period have been left in Ynozu Village mayors' diaries. The pulse height of the tsunami by the Hoei Nankai earthquake (1707) wsa the greatest in the Urashiroura district located in the northern part of the village. The Urasiroura district faces the open sea directry, and its drowned valley formed last glacial stage stretches almost straight from the Pacific Ocean. It is recorded that the second step in the stone steps of Yofukuji Temple survived this tsunami which reached a height of 11.5m above sea level and therefore it is presumed that the entire Urashiroura district was influenced by this tsunami. In fact, 18 people were killed there. It is thought that liquefaction phenomena took place in the rice fields of the Iroriura district, and the tsunami infiltrated up tothe height of approximately 10m above sea level. it is said that tsunami retraced approximately 700m along the Irori River in this district. In Miyanoura district located in the southern part of Yonozu Village, the tsunami advanced to the third step, which measures 5.7m above sea level, of the stone steps of Koshoan temple. This district is presumed to have lied in the place in which the pulse height of the tsunami was lower than in other districts. The tsunami caused by the Ansei Nankai earthquake(1854) was smaller than that by the Hoei Nankai earthquake, and pulse height in the Iroriura district is thought to have been approximately 3-4m above sea level. The tsunami retraced from the mouth of the Irori river approximately 400-500m at this time. Liquefaction phenomena took place in the vicinity of the coast. In the Urashiroura district one old woman was killed in this tsunami with over 2.5m in height. The Ansei tsunami in the Koura district infiltrated to the higher part of the village, which is about 7m above sea level, and it is thought that this Tsunami was higher than that of the Iroriura district. There was a considerably high pulse in the Urashiroura district, taking into account the pulse height in the Koura district. To reduce damage by the tsunami, the occurrences of the tsunamis have been told in Yonozu Village from old times. To put the lessons to good use, persistent efforts are made by the Historical Society of Yonozu Village.
千田 昇
千田 昇
高宮 昭夫
浜田 平士
御手洗 進
千田 昇
大分大 教育福祉科学
富松 俊夫
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