- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was performed to clarify nursing students,self-rating of their own achievement. The findings are as follow : 1. The higher-rated or well-achieved-evaluated points can be sorted into the two categories : the strengthening of nursing motivation and of the awareness of expert responsibility, and the development of relationship or communication with their patients. 2. At the clinical setting , they could experience the complexity and worthfulness of nursing practice, which encouraged their discussion of what nursing view should be, 3. The lower-rated points prove that they tend to lack self-confidence. These poorly-achieved -evaluated points can also be grouped into two categories : the positive and independent contribution as future nurses and the practice of nursing expertise, 4. Their motivation of in-ward training is largely dependent on the relationship with the patients, the nurses, the instructors, and the fellow students around them. Among the all, the instructors are expected to smooth the relationship with the others for the students themselves. 5. The students think they communicated well with their patients but feel difficulty to get involved with them. And the understanding of their patients tend to be evaluated as poorlyachieved.
- 信州大学の論文
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