- 論文の詳細を見る
The objects of this study were to identify elderly attitudes toward urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence was strongly related to QOL of elders. I gave questionnaires to students (642) of so called senile university (culture school for elders of Nagano Prefecture). I received effective answers from 572 (male 242, female 330). They were 68 years old on the average (53-84 years old). This study found the bellows : 1. While incontinence was perceived as a problem to be associated with aging, they thought it as unbelievable affair against others. 2. When they knew the phenomenon, they did something themselves. They were more negative than normal. 3. Female elders were more positive on attending lecture meeting and consulting. Otherwise male elders were more positive to read and learn the phenomenon. 4. Many elders intended to gain knowledge of incontinence enthusiastically, They wanted to know cause, prevention and treatment.
- 信州大学の論文
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