明治前期の和語系・漢語系オノマトペについて : 『浮雲』を中心に
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『浮雲』を中心に明治前期の作品を対象として、和語系・漢語系オノマトペの使用状況を概観し、両者の関係を考えた。調査の結果から、和語系オノマトペで表現し得ない部分(その多くは心情表現に結びつく語)を、漢語系オノマトペで補ったこと、漢語系オノマトペの中でも既に広く用いられているものを中心に、言文一致文に取り入れようとしたのではないかということがうかがわれた。前者に関しては、和語系オノマトペにおいて、細かい意味を使い分ける働きをする型が未発達であること、オノマトぺの種類自体がまだ少ないことが、その遠因となっており、和語系オノマトペが発達するまでの間、漢語系のものが使われたであろうことが考えられる。This paper attempts to discuss how onomatopoeias of Japanese origin are related with those of Chinese origin in the first half Meiji era. In this study five stories including "UKIGUMO" written in the styles of unificated spoken and written language were investigated as well as other eight stories which were published before "UKIGUMO" and writen in another older language style. The results showed three points as follows ; (1) Compared to onomatopoeias of Japanese origin, those of Chinese origin can express some expressions, particularly concerning emotion, because those of Japanese origin lack their variations in such areas. (2) Because of such features mentioned above, the writers prefered to use onomatopoeias of Chinese origin rather than those of Japanese origin , until they came to possess sufficient kinds and variations. (3) In addition, the writers who promoted the unification of spoken and written language tended to use easily adoptable onomatopoeias of Chinese origin as well as the Japanese colloquial words.
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