オノマトペの多義性と意味変化 : 近世・近代の「まじまじ」を例に
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オノマトペの多義性についてその時徽を考え、一例を取り上げ実際に多義が派生しさらに解消されていく過程を考察した。まず、現代語の多義のオノマトペから意味相互の関連を考察し、(1)擬音と擬態の共通性、(2)様態の共通性、(3)感覚の共通性、(4)一般語彙との関連、(5)隣接オノマトペとの関連、(6)音の類似性、という六つⅥ特徴を見出した。次に近世・近代の「まじまじ」を取り上げ意味変化を見ながら、多義の派生とそれが解消される過程を検討した。「まじまじ」は、「目ぱちぱちさせる」という一動作とその動作を行う一般的状況を表したが、その状況が「眠れない」「平然と(見る)」「見ていて落ち着かない」に分化したとき矛盾する意味を含んでしまい、混乱を生じた末、一動作を表す意味「じっと見つめる」になり、本来のコ目をぱちぱち」という象徴性が失われた。「落ち着かない」意味は隣接オノマトペの「もじもじ」に、「眠れない」意味は語基が共通する「まんじり」にその意味が移行し、多義の縮小につながっている。形態による意味の分担も多義性の解消に関連すると思われる。The polysemy of onomatopoeia was described in this paper, which was different from that of non-onomatopoetic words. I examined how some of the onomatopoeia obtained multiple meanings and adapted to one by analyzing the actual cases. At first, following six features were described, regarding the relations among the meanings of polysemous onomatopoeia; (1) similarity of the imitative and mimetic meanings, (2) similarity of movement of words, (3) similarity of feelings, (4) relation to nononomatopoetic words, (5) relation to adjacent onomatopoeia, and (6) similarity of sounds. Secondly I examined the meanings of "majimaji", which were changed from Edo to Taisyo periods as an example of polysemous onomatopoeia. "Majimaji" originally implied blinking-eye movement and such action. And then its meaning was distinguished into multiple meanings such as <hardly sleeping > , < (looking) without shaming>, and <looking awkwardly > -leaded discrepancy and confusion among them. At last "majimaji" meant <watching fixedly > and lost the sound symbolism of blinking. On the other hand, the meaning of <looking awkwardly > was completely transferred to similar sounded onomatopoeia, as "mojimoji", another meaning of <hardly sleeping> was transferred to "manjiri" which was derived from "majimaji". These transformations lead the reduction of olysemy. Appearance of the related onomatopoetic words to share the meanings of polysemy was considered ro facilitate the reduction of polysemy.
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