山本安次郎・加藤勝康編著『経営学言論』(文真堂 昭和57年6月)を読み本格的経営学構築への道を考える
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Introduction to the basic theory of the Science of Business Administration (Edited by Prof. Dr. Yasujiro Yamamoto and Prof. Dr. Katsuyasu Kato, Bunshindo Publishers 1981) is a very stimulating and epoch-making book for those who are studying the science of business administration. In this book a number of basic Key technical terms are used. 0ne is Business Enterprise. The second is Business. The third is very unique technical term which is called "Management as a whole" advocated by Prof. Dr. Yasujiro Yamamoto. These terms are closely interrelated and historically their forms have been changed. Business management has a mission to ajust to dynamically and rapidly changing environment. generally speaking traditional business management has dealt with the static and stable side or movement of business administration. According to this view innovative side of business management are not highly evaluated. But this book emphasizes that the study and analysis of dynamic and unstable side or movement of business management are necessary to look at how business enterorise must behave and act in rapidly changing world. In this regard the theory of management innovation and management development are studied and analyzed. In particular, production innovation, product innovation and organizatin innovation are picked up. This book emphasizes that business innovation is a prerequsite for business enterprise to survive and grow in fierce competition among companies in global perspective.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
- 1990-03-10
- 変貌する工業社会と経営学の新たなる課題
- 資本主義経営の展開 : その過去・現在・未来
- 多極化世界における経営理念の探究
- 山本安次郎博士を偲ぶ : 一門下生として
- 経営国際化の展開過程
- 企業競争のグローバル化と経営力の問題
- グローバル時代における企業の競争優位戦略 : その経営学的考察
- 山本安次郎・加藤勝康編著『経営学言論』(文真堂 昭和57年6月)を読み本格的経営学構築への道を考える
- 製造企業における競争力低下とその再生の経営戦略
- 事業革新と経営発展についての経営学的一考察