進路未決定の構造 : 高卒進路未決定者の析出メカニズムに関する実証的研究
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For the last decade, the number of high school graduates who do not have either jobs or postsecondary education has increased in Japan. Among those, who are called "MUGYOSHA" in Japanese, some are unemployed, but a larger part of them are graduates who do not have clear career plans and are inactive in seeking future careers after high school. What leads high school students to those uncertain future plans? What mechanisms are involved in emerging those uncertain career plans ? This study attempts to answer these questions based on a questionnaire survey data collected from 1,804 high school senior students in Tokyo. The analyses find : 1. general high school students are more likely to become "MUGYOSHA" than those at vocational high schools; 2. delayed decision about future plans lead to "MUGYOSHA"; 3. prospective "MUGYOSHA" students tend to have bad school records both in cognitive (academic) and non-cognitive (behavioral) aspects, and disregard good school records as important selection criteria for college admission and labor entry; 4. student'social backgrounds do not strongly relate with the emerge of "MUGYOSHA"; and 5. miscommunication with parents about their future discourages students to make clear career plans. Based on these findings, we argue that recent educational reform proposals in Japan, which try to mitigates entrance examination pressures on students, may lead to produce more students with uncertain career plans in future.
- 1997-12-12
- 地方公立進学校におけるエリート再生の研究
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