- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the educational levels and the occupational careers in Japanese society as a whole during the interwar period. Because of the lack of available data, most studies of schools under the old system have focused on higher education. However, Japan in the interwar period is characterized by the expansion of secondary education rather than that of higher education. This paper considers secondary education and analyzes the data of the 1965 "Social Stratification and Mobility Survey" (SSM), which are useful to trace educational levels and careers under the old system. The samples are male and were all born between 1896 and 1925. Firstly, the educational level of these samples deffered according to their social backgrounds. Sons whose fathers were employees, both white- and blue-collar, corresponded to the expansion of secondary education and enjoyed longer educations than previously attained. Also more sons of white-collar employees went on to higher education than before. On the other hand, the tendency to attend secondary education by sons of self-employed people did not cahnge as much as that of employees. Additionally, farming families were left behind by the expansion of secondary education. Moreover, a family's social class in the Edo period influenced a son's level of education. Concerning their careers, the role of higher and primary education did not change in this period. But the secondary education system, especially vocational schools (Jitsugyou-gakkou), served as the route for social mobility. The first jobs for people who graduated from vocational schools were very different from those who graduated from higher educational institutions. They were similar to those who graduated from primary education only. For example, about 30% from vocational schools had stayed as blue-collar employees. However, by the time they were 40 years old, 40% of the blue-collar workers who had graduated from vocational schools had been promoted to white-collar jobs. As a result, at 40 years of age, their jobs were of a similar level to those who had graduated from higher educational institutions.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1995-04-30
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