- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently youth unemployment has been rising, which means the number of MUGYO-SHA is increasing in newly graduated students. MUGYO-SHA is a person who is not going to enter higher education, or get a job. This article aims to explore the following, focusing on MUGYO-SHA in high school. 1. What kind of mechanism is it that produces MUGYO-SHA ? 2. How does it relate to the mechanism and the hierarchical structure of high school in Japan ? 3. How will educational reform in high school influence the MUGYO-SHA problem ? Since the 80's the condition of the labor market into which high school graduates enter has become worse, and fewer students obtain jobs immediately. The change in the labor market has been more serious for graduates from general courses than from vocational courses, and more MUGYO-SHA are produced from the general courses. According to our investigation on high school students, the findings are as follows. If students delay the decision on their future, they tend to become MUGYO-SHA. General course students delay making a decision about their future as opposed to the vocational students. This is because there is no clear derection throughout the general course syllabus. They are not so much unemployed as temporarily suspended and are at a disadvantage in starting their career. Because of the difference between the counseling on the general courses and the vocational courses, it is more difficult for students of general courses to decide their future. Many of the vocational courses, however, are now under educational reform. As the result of the reform action, especially forming the "subject with distinguished features", it is supposed that vocational courses will face an unclear and uncertain direction and produce more MUGYO-SHA. If we approve an unclear direction in every high school, we should discuss how high school students can decide their future course.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1997-10-15
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