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When we search for answers to the question" What kind of abilities should we try to develop in children?" we begin to see why educational reform is necessary. The problem of restructuring classroom teaching in schools in order to attain the objective of developing such abilities effectively becomes most important. Concerning this problem, we considered the question" What type of teaching should be called a good teaching?" from the perspective of mathematical education, and have come up with possible directions educational reform should aim by summarizing a number of topics taken up in various opinion surveys. The conclusion we obtained are summarized in the following quotations : "Away from solo performances by teachers and toward more student-oriented, dialogue type approach", "Away from pouring knowledge type teaching and toward persuasion type teaching", "Away from emphasis on achievement and toward more emphasis on learning process, " and "Away from emphasis on tests and toward helping students learn by encouraging them to be more curious, interested and involved." Needless to say that it is necessary to change the content of the materials to be taught, and the techniques and methods of teaching in order to achieve these objectives, but it is also important that we should try to vitalize the communication and cooperation among the teachers in order to put together individual efforts to obtain stronger power. Trying to achieve such objectives, we carried out "Caravan for educational reform" in three of the high schools attached to Tokai University in the academic year 2001. We give reports on one experimental classroom teaching in mathematics conducted in one of these caravans. Finally, based on the survey taken during and after this experimental classroom teaching and on the discussions held afterwards, we illustrate the problems the future educational reform will be facing, focusing on the importance of the "student-oriened dialogue type teaching" and the difficulties for achieving such a method effectively.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2002-03-30
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