- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The students of ninety percent of Fukuoka Women's University give their support to the present system that they must study physical exercise as a regular course. But one-fourth of them request the improvement of the quality of teaching. Especialy the magnification of physical facilites to have more chances to do many kinds of sports. On the other hand, the lecture of health and physical education is supported by the students of seventy percent, which means that the lecture is more less popular with the students than physical exercise. We think that the main reason is that they earnestly hope to have the lecture intended for more practical use. 2) Generally speaking, the students prefer the course of physical activity. Most of them merely consider it the hour of relaxation among all the other subjects. So they only have junior or recreational interest for the teaching materials. When we intend to design ''ideal teaching", we find the most important problem, which is the students' cognition for physical education; Where and how their practical activities and cognition should be connected with; How we should promote their sensitive faculties to their rational recognitions. These are the keys to solve this problem. 3) The P-P, C-P and P-C type in the attitude for physical education as a regular course are almost alike in their consciousness. But the C-C type (7%) who have a negative attitude are different from the other types in quality. This tendency is also found in their attitude for circle activities and general education system. We see a phenomenon of alienation among them. Thinking that the C-C type never happen in a casual way, we keenly realize that we must wake more research in the way of this problem. 4) The above-mentioned can't be solved if we continue to study the practice and lecture in physical education seperately. It is important to study them continuously in a Research Action toward "To be Ideal Teaching" having a proper understanding of the students' attitude.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1968-09-30
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