馬流産菌の死菌免疫に關する研究 : II. マウスに對する死菌免疫に就て
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In this paper, there are described the mouse-protection tests carried out with a heat-killed vaccine of Salm. abortus-equi; observations on the protective value of it from various points of view are likewise described. Analytical observations were made in order to detect the factors influencing the immunizing potency such as the route of administration of the immunizing injections and of the challenge dose, the vaccine strains and test cultures. Also the toxicity and immunogenicity of 4 kinds of vaccines were compared. Results are summarized as follows : 1. One or repeated intraperitoneal injections of a heat-killed bacilli with a dose of 0.3∿0.6mg induced in mice a high percentage of survivors to intraperitoneal challenge with a mice-killing dose of 0.1mg. The degree of protection is not enhanced by repeated injections (Table 1). 2. The percentage of survivors runs parallel with immunizing dose to a certain degree. If the dose reaches 2mg, the protective power becomes able to suppress the spread and multiplication of the bacilli in mice, even if the challenge dose is as large as 0.3mg (Table 2). 3. The immunizing effect shown under the various combinations of the routes of administration of the immunizing and challenge doses were observed. In case of injecting both the immunizing and the challenge doses by the intraperitoneal route, the proportion of survivors shows the highest rate, however, the suppression of the multiplication of bacilli in mice was marked in case of subcutaneous immunization and intraperitoneal injection (Tables 3,4). 4. There is no marked difference in immunogenic properties with different vaccine strains even of a slightly different mouse virulence and also the protective value of a heat-killed vaccine is not affected by the difference of test cultures (Tables 5∿8). 5. The intraperitoneal injection of vaccine seems to induce non-specific resistance against the challenge injection by the intraperitoneal route. This resistance was proved after 1∿6 days following immunizing injection (Table 9). 6. The killed bacilli treated with alum-chromate solution following ANDO's method (Chrome vaccine) showed markedly reduced toxicity. The immunogenic properties of chrome vaccine is the most favorable from the view point of the percentage of survivors, however, it does not show superior suppression of the spread of bacili in mice as compared with the other vaccines such as formalin, merzonine or heat-killed baccilli (Tables 10∿14). The observations recorded in this paper traverse the points necessary to be understood regarding the mice protection test. The protecting effect of the killed abortion bacilli is mainly observed from the view point of the proportion of survivors and of the power to inhibit or suppress the spread of bacilli in mice. Consequently, the increase of the immunizing dose up to 2mg would make it possible to avoid septicaemia and to inhibit the spread and multiplication of bacilli in mice almost completely. The same protective value is induced even of smaller immunizing dose if the challenge dose is of minute quantity. According to the different combinations of the routes of immunzing and challenge injections, the results of the immunizing effects become somewhat different. In case of injecting both the immunizing and the challenge doses by the intraperitoneal route, the proportion of survivors become higher compared with the other combination, however, the intraperitoneal immunizing injection seems to induce non-specific intraperitoneal resistance as FELIX (1951) pointed out in describing the errors concerning potency test of typhoid vaccine. Additional experiments with more clear results are needed for the clarification of this point.
- 北海道大学の論文
平戸 勝七
清水 亀平次
清水 龜平次
平戸 勝七
小野 悌二
佐藤 儀平
小野 悌二
佐藤 儀平
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