- 論文の詳細を見る
Bone scintigraphy with ^<99m>Tc-EHDP was performed in 51 cases of primary bone tumors, metastatic bone tumors and other diseases, using Picker Omniview (whole body scintillation camera), Toshiba GCA-202 gamma camera and Toshiba DAP-12A (color display system). Bone scintigrams were taken at about 3 to 4 hours after the administration of 5-18 mCi of ^<99m>Tc-EHDP. The anterior structures such as the anterior skull, clavicle, sternum, anterior ribs and anterior iliac region are best seen in the anterior view. The posterior structures such as the posterior skull, vertebral column, scapula, posterior ribs and sacroiliac joint are best seen in the posterior view. Although excellent skeletal images were obtained in all cases, there were some problems due to undesirable accumulations of the tracer. These relatively high accumulations were as follows ; (1) the anterior neck, (2) the inferior angle and upper margin of scapula, (3) asymmetrical uptake in joints, (4) concentration in the urinary tract, (5) nonhomogeneous uptake in spondylotic change. There is no evidence of the liver image in any of the cases. The usefulness of whole body bone scintigrams in the detection of metastatic bone tumors was also discussed. The results of our study suggest that bone scintigraphy with ^<99m>Tc-EHDP is definitely superior to the conventional X-ray study for the detection of early metastatic bone lesions. In addition, no toxic reactions were noted with ^<99m>Tc-EHDP in any of the cases. Bone scintigraphy with ^<99m>Tc-EHDP provides the information concerning the site and extent of diseases in the patients with primary and metastatic bone tumors.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1976-12-28
梶田 明義
石田 修
楢林 勇
坂下 太郎
浜田 辰巳
浜田 辰已
土屋 文夫
坂下 太郎
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