MR FLAIR Imaging of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-11-01
石田 修
石田 修
ASHIKAGA Ryuichiro
Department of Radiology, Kinki University School of Medicine
Ishida Osamu
Department Of Radiology Kinki University School Of Medicine
ARAKI Yutaka
Department of Radiology, NTT West Osaka Hospital
Ishida Osamu
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima University
Araki Yutaka
Department Of Radiology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Ashikaga Ryuichiro
Department Of Radiology Kinki University School Of Medicine
石田 修
ARAKI Yutaka
Department of Radiology, Kinki University School of Medicine
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- 9.重症心身障害児の骨量に影響する諸条件について
- 5.甲状腺疾患に対する超音波, シンチグラフィーの診断能の比較
- 4.唾液腺疾患の超音波診断
- 3.リンパ浮腫のMRI
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- 22.Gd-DTPAを用いた肝腫瘍のdynamic MRI : small tip angle gradient echoによる高速スキャンでの検討
- 30.乳腺超音波像の検討 : 乳癌を中心に
- 17.当院におけるMRI検査の現況について
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- 12.バルーン拡張術を用いた食道狭窄の治療経験
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- 18.乳癌における局所リンパ動態
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- MR FLAIR Imaging of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
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- II.血管造影とその治療的応用
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