- 論文の詳細を見る
In September 1977,part of a well-fossilized tibial shaft of man was found together with faunal remains from the Solo River short-cut canal site at Sambungmacan in Central Java, Indonesia. The sediments exposed at the site have been tentatively divided into 4 units; Unit-Sbl, Unit-Sb2,Unit-Sb3 (late Pleistocene terrace deposits) and Unit-Sb4 (recent alluvial deposits) in ascending order : Unit-Sb1 and Unit-Sb2 have been inferred to be correlative with the Kalibeng and the Kabuh Formation in the Sangiran area respectively. While the exact findspot of the human tibia (surface discovery) in the field is unknown, the fluorine content of this specimen compares well with those of vertebrate bones in situ from the basal to the lower part of Unit-Sb2. Provided that the tibia derives from this Kabuh equivalent, it should be comparable in ago to early Javanese fossil hominids. However, some other layers are still possible for the source of the tibia. Further stratigraphic and chronological investigations are required to clarify the provenances of the Sambungmacan hominid remains including the calotte found in 1973 with characteristics of Solo man skulls.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
松浦 秀治
松浦 秀治
Kondo Megumi
Laboratory Of Physical Anthropology Faculty Of Human Life And Environmental Sciences Ochanomizu Univ
近藤 惠
Aziz Fachroel
松浦 秀治
Aziz F
Quaternary Geology Lab. Bandung Idn
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Development Centre
柴崎 達雄
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research & Development Centre
近藤 恵
松浦 秀治
Faculty of Home Economics, Ochanomizu University
渡邊 直經
Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
近藤 恵
Faculty of Home Economics, Ochanomizu University
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Developement Centre
渡邊 直經
Professor Emeritus The University Of Tokyo
松浦 秀治
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