- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1977 a hominid tibial fragment (Sm 2) was collected (not in situ), together with other overtebrate bones, from sambungmacan. The bone has heen inferred to be derived from the Kabuh equivalent layer. The fragment is a lower shaft of the right tibia, black in colour and well-fossilized. The total length was estimated as about 37cm, comparable to that of Solo B. In diameters (32.0mm and 21.2mm) and flatness (66.3) of the mid-shaft, it is close to East Asian Neolithic males, apart from Solo A and B and Zhoukodian (Choukoutien), and completly different from European Neandertals and Upper Palaeolithic Sapiens. However, the cortex is extremely thick and the medullary cabity is very narrow, resembling the condition of the limb bones from Zhoukoudian. As a whole, this tibial fragment shows rather advanced character in spite of its old chronological age.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
Aziz F
Geological Research And Development Centre Bandung
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Development Centre
馬場 悠男
Department of Anthropology, National Science Museum
渡邊 直經
Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Developement Centre
渡邊 直經
Professor Emeritus The University Of Tokyo
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