- 論文の詳細を見る
Two hominid skull fragments (S 37a, b) were recovered in 1979 from Sangiran, Central Java. These two occupy left lateral and right posterior parts of the smae skull vault. They show typical Homo erectus characteristics, that is, the inferior temporal line is low, an angular torus is present, angulation of the external surface above asterion is marked, ect. In overall size and shape, the reconstructed vault is intermediate between those of Sangiran 17 an Sangiran 2.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Development Centre
馬場 悠男
Department of Anthropology, National Science Museum
Aziz Fachroel
Quaternary Geology Laboratory Geological Research And Developement Centre
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