- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-05-31
Nagai Takashi
東京農工大学 大学院農学府
Nagai Takashi
Dep. Of Animal Breeding And Reproduction National Inst. Of Livestock And Grassland Sci.
永井 卓
永井 卓
独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 畜産草地研究所
Nagai T
National Inst. Agrobiological Sci. Ibaraki Jpn
- 体細胞クローンブタ作出効率改善の試み
- ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素の阻害剤トリコスタチンAは卵丘細胞に包まれたGV期ブタ卵母細胞のクロマチンを脱凝縮状態に逆戻りさせる
- Introduction of Various Vietnamese Indigenous Pig Breeds and Their Conservation by Using Assisted Reproductive Techniques
- ブタ体外成熟・受精卵子の体内および体外における胚盤胞への発育
- Effect of Cryoprotectant Composition on In Vitro Viability of In Vitro Fertilized and Cloned Bovine Embryos Following Vitrification and In-Straw Dilution
- 成熟培養時間がウシ胚盤胞期胚の性比におよぼす影響
- 豚卵母細胞のDNA損傷と体外発育に及ぼす卵巣の保存時間と温度の影響
- ウシ卵巣の前胞状卵胞および胞状卵胞における卵胞と卵母細胞の成長に関する対比成長測定学的研究
- 電気刺激およびブチロラクトンIを用いた活性化刺激による体外成熟豚卵子の活性化およびその後の胚発生
- ウシ卵巣の前胞状卵胞および胞状卵砲における卵胞と卵母細胞の成長に関する対比成長測定学的研究
- ウシ卵子における卵核胞崩壊に対するブチロラクトン-Iの影響とその後の卵子成熟、受精および発生能
- 越壁IVF法による精子選別は豚卵子への多精子受精頻度を減少させる
- 4Cで冷蔵保存された精巣上体から採取・凍結・融解した精子を用いたブタの繁殖の試み
- 豚における体外受精とくに体外成熟・受精卵子の雄性前核形成に関する研究(1993年度佐藤賞受賞講演論文)
- わが国における体細胞クローン牛を対象とした健全性調査の実施状況
- ウシ雄性発生胚の作出と体外発生
- 序
- 家畜におけるハンドメイド体細胞クローンと関連技術
- 生産現場における肉用牛の受胎率に関するアンケート調査結果から
- Effect of Donor Cell Types on Developmental Potential of Cattle (Bos taurus) and Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Cloned Embryos
- 生産現場における受胎に係る要因について : アンケート調査結果から
- Birth of Cloned Calves Derived from Cultured Oviductal Epithelial Cells of a Dairy Cow
- Birth of Cloned Calves Derived from Cultured Oviductal Epithelial Cells of a Dairy Cow
- ブタにおける体外受精(第5回 麻布大学 発生・生殖工学セミナー : ブタの生殖工学)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Pig : Where is the Problem?
- Effects of Cysteine During In Vitro Maturation of Porcine Oocytes Under Low Oxygen Tension on Their Subsequent In Vitro Fertilization and Development
- An approach for conservation of pig resources by xenograft of gonadal tissue to mice
- Effect of Centrifugation Treatment before Vitrification on the Viability of Porcine Mature Oocytes and Zygotes Produced In Vitro
- 初期胞状卵胞から採取した牛卵母細胞の生存と体外成長に及ぼす酸素濃度の影響
- A Comparison of Cryotop and Solid Surface Vitrification Methods for the Cryopreservation of In Vitro Matured Bovine Oocytes
- Interspecies Nuclear Transfer Embryos Reconstructed from Cat Somatic Cells and Bovine Ooplasm
- 無血清成熟培地へのシステアミンの添加がウシ未成熟卵子の体外成熟率,体外受精率およびその後の発生率に及ぼす影響
- Developmental Competence of Cat Oocytes from Ovaries Stored at Various Temperature for 24h
- Effect of Cycloheximide on In Vitro Development of Electrically Activated Feline Oocytes
- Effect of Replacement of Pyruvate/Lactate in Culture Medium with Glucose on Preimplantation Development of Porcine Embryos In Vitro
- Development of Porcine Embryos Reconstructed by Nuclear Transfer of Cultured Cumulus Cells into In Vitro Matured and Enucleated Oocytes
- Production of Transgenic Pig Carrying MMTV/v-Ha-ras
- In Vitro Development of in Vivo and in Vitro Fertilized Porcine Zygotes
- Evaluation of Developmental Competence of In Vitro-produced Porcine Embryos Based on the Timing, Pattern and Evenness of the First Cleavage and Onset of the Second Cleavage
- 4Cで冷蔵保存された精巣上体から採取・凍結・融解した精子を用いたブタの繁殖の試み
- Vitrification of Fully Grown and Growing Porcine Oocytes Using Germinal Vesicle Transfer
- The Effects of Manipulation Medium, Culture System and Recipient Cytoplast on In Vitro Development of Intraspecies and Intergeneric Felid Embryos
- Cloned Cows with Short Telomeres Deliver Healthy Offspring with Normal-length Telomeres
- Relationships of Survival Time, Productivity and Cause of Death with Telomere Lengths of Cows Produced by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
- Improvement of Porcine Oocytes with Low Developmental Ability after Fusion of Cytoplasmic Fragments Prepared by Serial Centrifugation
- The Effect of Ovary Storage and In Vitro Maturation on mRNA Levels in Bovine Oocytes : A Possible Impact of Maternal ATP1A1 on Blastocyst Development in Slaughterhouse-derived Oocytes
- In vitro production of porcine embryos : current status, future perspectives and alternative applications
- Constant transmission of mitochondrial DNA in intergeneric cloned embryos reconstructed from swamp buffalo fibroblasts and bovine ooplasm
- Factors Affecting Cryopreservation of Porcine Oocytes
- Influence of Intergeneric/Interspecies Mitochondrial Injection : Parthenogenetic Development of Bovine Oocytes after Injection of Mitochondria Derived from Somatic Cells
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