Preliminary Results of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-aided High-dose-rate Interstitial Brachytherapy for Recurrent Uterine Carcinoma after Curative Surgery
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This report presents initial experience with imaging-aided high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy (HDR-ISBT) for post-operative recurrence of uterine carcinoma. Fourteen patients presenting with post-operative recurrence of uterine carcinoma (nine cervix and five corpus) between July 2005 and October 2008 were enrolled in this study (median follow-up: 37 months, range: 6–59 months). We implanted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-compatible plastic applicators using our own ambulatory technique. HDR-ISBT treatment consisted of twice-a-day irradiation of 6 Gy each with at least a six-hour interval to provide the total prescribed dose. Treatment was based on treatment planning-computed tomography with MRI as a reference. Seven patients were treated with a combination of ISBT (median 30 Gy/5 fractions; range: 27–33 Gy) and external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), and the other seven with brachytherapy only (median 54 Gy/9 fractions; range: 48–54 Gy), one of whom had previously received pelvic EBRT. The three-year estimates of local control and overall survival rates were 77.9% (95% confidence interval (CI): 55.8–100%) and 77.1% (95% CI: 54.2–100%), respectively. Two patients, who had received combined treatment with EBRT showed untoward reactions, including a grade 3 subileus and grade 2 constipation. Another patient, who had been treated with ISBT alone, developed grade 2 urinary constriction. Our imaging-aided HDR-ISBT for post-operative recurrence of uterine carcinoma was found to be practical with promising preliminary results.
- 2011-05-16
Yoshioka Yasuo
Department of Toxicology and Safety Science, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka Unive
吉田 佳世
Department Of Molecular Genetics Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka City University
Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
KOIZUMI Masahiko
Department of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Medical Center
Yoshioka Yasuo
Department Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yoshioka Yasuo
大阪大学 医学系研究科放射線治療学
Yoshida Ken
Department Of Internal Medicine And Cardiology Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Takenaka Tadashi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
Isohashi Fumiaki
Department Of Biochemistry Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases
Koizumi M
Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases Osaka Jpn
Yoshioka Yasuo
Dept. Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Konishi Koji
Dept. Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
Department of Radiology, Toyonaka Municipal Hospital
Yoshioka Yasuo
Dept. Of Energy Science And Engineering Musashi Inst. Of Tech.
Tanaka Eiichi
Department Of Multidisciplinary Radiotherapy Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kato Masahiro
Div. Of Medical Physics Oncology Center Osaka University Hospital
Tanaka Eiichi
Department Of Mechanical Science And Engineering Nagoya University
Koizumi Masahiko
Department Of Electronics And Information Systems Faculty Of Systems Science And Technology Akita Pr
Takenaka Tadashi
Depart. Elect. Eng. Fac. Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Yamashiro Y
Osaka Univ. Suita Jpn
KOTSUMA Tadayuki
Department of Radiology, National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital
Department of Radiation Oncology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Yamazaki Hideya
Department Of Radiology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Konishi Kouji
Department Of Knowledge-based Information Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Isohashi Fumiaki
Department Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kotsuma Tadayuki
Department Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tanaka Eiichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Nagoya Univeisity
Kato Masahiro
Department Of Radiation Oncology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takenaka Tadashi
Department Of Radiation Oncology National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital
Yoshida Ken
Department Of Cardiology Kawasaki Medical School
Tanaka Eiichi
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Kobe University
Tanaka Eiichi
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry The University Of Electro-communications
Yoshioka Yasuo
Department of Biotechnology and Therapeutics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
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