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In Japan, the outbreak of mycotoxicosis in cattle and poultry is not many in number. However, annual mean of the temperature in Japan is still increasing and the risk of animals exposed by mycotoxin may increase. We have been investigating the mycotoxicosis in cattle and poultry and we could show six cases of mycotoxicosis which were suspected in this report. In case 1, incidence of cattle affected with aflatoxicosis were shown and aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin were detected in feed. In case 2, incidence of chicks affected with aflatoxin and the detection of aflatoxin B1 were shown. In case 3, swine nephritis induced by ochratoxin was shown. In case 4, the detection of aflatoxin B1 in blood of chicks and the feed was shown. In case 5, isolation of Aspergillus flavus in penguin was reported. In case 6, ascites of chicks in south district in Kyushu Island was shown and incidences by mycotoxins were suspected. In general, diagnosis of mycotoxicosis is complicate because many other diseases must be negative and mycotoxins should be detected in feed and organs in the affected animals.
- 日本マイコトキシン学会の論文
- 2003-01-31
足立 吉數
足立 吉數
足立 吉數
足立 吉數
Adachi Y
Ibaraki Univ. Ibaraki Jpn
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