Propagation of fast and slow waves in cancellous bone : Comparative study of simulation and experiment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-07-01
長谷 芳樹
Hosoi Hiroshi
Department Of Biological Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokushima
Matsukawa Mami
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
Matsukawa Mami
Faculty Of Life And Medical Sciences Graduate School Of Engineering Doshisha University
Matsukawa Mami
Doshisha Univ.
Mizuno Katsunori
Doshisha Univ.
Nagatani Yoshiki
Kobe City College of Technology
Department of Electronic Engineering, Kobe City College of Technology
MIZUNO Katsunori
Graduate School of Engineering, Doshisha University
SAEKI Takashi
Graduate School of Engineering, Doshisha University
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Nara Medical Universit
Sakaguchi Takefumi
Department Of Otorhinolaryngology-head And Neck Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Nara Medical University
長谷 芳樹
Nagatani Yoshiki
Doshisha Univ.
Saeki Takashi
Graduate School Of Engineering Doshisha University
Hosoi Hiroshi
Department Of Otorhinolaryngology-head And Neck Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Nara Medical University
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- 1J-11 ブタ中手骨海綿骨中の超音波伝搬特性(医用超音波)
- Propagation of fast and slow waves in cancellous bone : Comparative study of simulation and experiment
- Applicability of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method to Simulation of Wave Propagation in Cancellous Bone
- G-1 Applicability of FDTD method on the wave propagation in the cancellous bone(Medical ultrasound, Underwater ultrasound)
- 医用超音波 海綿骨中の音波伝搬解析--X線CTモデルを用いた3次元FDTDシミュレーション
- P2-41 Study on the handlings of FDTD method to analyze sound fields(Short presentation for poster)
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- 並列化によるFDTD法の演算高速化について
- P1-16 Characteristics of shear mode FBAR using (112^^-0) textured ZnO films(Poster session 1)
- Evaluation of the In vivo Radiosensitizing Activity of Etanidazole Using Tumor-bearing Chick Embryo
- A Newly designed cell-permeable SNARF derivative as an effective intracellular pH indicator
- Effect of boundary condition on the two-wave propagation in cancellous bone (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- P3-44 Observation of induced shear acoustic phonons by Brillouin scattering(Poster session 3)
- P1-15 Effects of sputtering gas on the formation of (112^^-0) textured ZnO films(Poster session 1)
- Effect of sputtering geometry on (112^^-0) textured ZnO piezofilm
- 海綿骨における高速波の特徴的な屈折について : 高速波と低速波の伝搬イメージング(アコースティックイメージング,一般)
- 骨導超音波語音の母音刺激長に対するミスマッチフィールド
- Ultrasonic Wave Properties in Bone Axis Direction of Bovine Cortical Bone
- 骨導超音波語音のプロソディーの変化に対するミスマッチ反応
- 3Pa5-12 海綿骨中の高速波・低速波伝搬における皮質骨層の影響 : 層状構造モデルによる検討(ポスターセッション)
- 3Pa5-10 海綿骨伝搬超音波の時間周波数表現 : 瞬時周波数に基づく解析手法の検討(ポスターセッション)
- 3Pa5-1 人体内を伝搬する超音波の挙動 : 実測と3次元モデルシミュレーションによる検討(ポスターセッション)
- 3Pa5-11 海綿骨伝搬超音波波形の瞬時周波数解析(ポスターセッション)
- Applicability of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method to Simulation of Wave Propagation in Cancellous Bone
- Brillouin Scattering Study on the Opto-Acoustic Properties of Thin Piezoelectric Polymer Films
- Boronをトレーサーとする薬物の動態解析法の開発 (京都大学原子炉実験所第46回学術講演会報文集)
- 発育鶏卵法を用いたナノ秒パルス電界の固形腫瘍への印加実験
- 刺激の周波数構造が聴覚野の時間積分に与える影響について
- 3Pb5-12 人体内の超音波の長距離伝搬 : 実測と3次元弾性モデルを用いたシミュレーション(ポスターセッション)