Effect of sputtering geometry on (112^^-0) textured ZnO piezofilm
Matsukawa Mami
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
Miyamoto Yoshinori
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
Miyamoto Yoshinori
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University
Yanagitani Takahiko
Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University
Yanagitani Takahiko
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
Watanabe Yoshiaki
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
- A Simple Nondestructive Evaluation of an Adhesive Layer Using Elastic Wave Velocities
- Brillouin Scattering in Densified GeO_2 Glasses
- Brillouin Scattering in B_2O_3-Li_2O-LiCl Glass
- Application of a Suspension Theory to Particle-Dispersed Agarose Gels
- Birefringence Measurement of Thin Polymer Films under Tensile Stress by a Brillouin Scattering Method
- Brillouin Scattering Study on the Opto-Acoustic Properties of Thin Piezoelectric Polymer Films
- "Two-Pass" Brillouin Scattering Geometry for the Investigation of Opto-Acoustic Properties of Thin Films
- Effects of tensile stress on the hypersonic wave velocities in polymer films
- Effects of Tensile Stress on the Hypersonic Properties of Thin Polymer Films
- Brillouin Scattering Study on the Elastic Properties of Epoxy Adhesive Layer
- Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Particle Compounded Gels
- Nondestructive Evaluation of SiC Layer by Brillouin Scattering Method (Short Note)
- Distribution of Longitudinal Wave Velocities in Bovine Cortical Bone in vitro
- Effects of Schizophyllan on Regeneration of Protoplast Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Propagation of fast and slow waves in cancellous bone : Comparative study of simulation and experiment
- Applicability of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method to Simulation of Wave Propagation in Cancellous Bone
- Inner Head Acoustic Field for Bone-Conducted Sound Calculated by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
- P1-16 Characteristics of shear mode FBAR using (112^^-0) textured ZnO films(Poster session 1)
- A Study on Cleaning Ability of Oscillating Bubbles Driven by Low-Frequency Ultrasound
- Applying Sub-Loop Tube to Control the Sound Field in a Loop-Tube-Type Thermoacoustic System
- Blood Flow Measurement by the Counter-Crossed Beam Contrast Echo Method
- A Study on Frequency Characteristics and Transmission Path of Audible Sound Perceived when the Tragus is Vibrated by Amplitude-Modulated Ultrasound
- P3-44 Observation of induced shear acoustic phonons by Brillouin scattering(Poster session 3)
- P1-15 Effects of sputtering gas on the formation of (112^^-0) textured ZnO films(Poster session 1)
- Observation of Sonoluminescing Bubble Motion at the Rebounding Phase (Short Note)
- Effect of sputtering geometry on (112^^-0) textured ZnO piezofilm
- Experimental study on resonance frequency of loop-tube-type thermoacoustic cooling system(introduction to the amazing world of sounds with demonstrations)
- Effects of Existence of Microbubbles for Increase of Acoustic Streaming
- Control of Parametric Amplification Using the Nonlinear Vibration of Bubbles Under Water : Ultrasonic Propagation and Field
- Inspection Method for Contact Condition of Soil on the Surface of Underground Pipe Utilizing Resonance of Transverse Lamb Wave
- Inspection Method for Detection of Defects in Sewage Pipes Renewed by Sewage Pipe Renewal Method
- Ultrasonic Wave Properties in Bone Axis Direction of Bovine Cortical Bone
- Applicability of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method to Simulation of Wave Propagation in Cancellous Bone
- Measurement of the resonant characteristics of a single bubble vibration by using a laser Doppler vibrometer (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- Brillouin Scattering Study on the Opto-Acoustic Properties of Thin Piezoelectric Polymer Films
- Stable Parametric Amplification Using Elastic Microcapsules Placed in Silicone Rubber : Ultrasonic Propagation and Field
- Dependence on the Pause Time for the Hysteresis Loop Appearing in Single Bubble Sonoluminescence
- Relation between Acoustic Impedance and Sound Intensity Amplification in a Stack of Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Prime Mover (Special Issue : Ultrasonic Electronics)
- Fundamental Study for the Solution of Thermoacoustic Phenomenon Using Numerical Calculation : Relationship between the Stack Installation Position and Heat Flow (Special Issue : Ultrasonic Electronics)
- Characterization of ($11\bar{2}0$) Textured ZnO Films Fabricated by RF Magnetron Sputtering
- Measurement of Wave Velocity in Bovine Bone Tissue by Micro-Brillouin Scattering
- Miniaturization of Thermoacoustic Cooling System Considering Energy Conversion Efficiency Estimated Using Specific Parameter
- How to Design a Thermoacoustic System Considering the Relaxation Time $\tau$: Introduction of Parameter $\omega\tau$ to Determine the Position of Stack
- Energy Conversion from Sound to Heat Using Lamination Mesh on the Thermoacoustic System
- Existence of Hysteresis Based on Argon Rectification in Single Bubble Sonoluminescence
- Analyses of Characteristics of Semi-intermodulated Imaging Based on Multi-Bifrequency Approximation
- Applying Diverging Tube for the Low-Temperature Drive in a Loop-Tube-Type Thermoacoustic System
- Acoustic Nonlinear Effect on Auricular Cartilage Vibrated with Amplitude-Modulated Ultrasound
- Optical and Acoustic Observations of Bubble Adhered to Piezoelectric Transducer under Ultrasound Field: Pressure Signal Caused by Bubble Behavior
- Effects of Collapsing Bubble in Ultrasonic Field on Soft Material
- Study on Thermoacoustic Cooling System Using a Resonance Tube to Induce One-Wavelength Mode Resonance
- Effect of Inner Diameter Change of Phase Adjuster on Heat-to-Sound Energy Conversion Efficiency in Loop-Tube-Type Thermoacoustic Prime Mover
- Large-Area Growth of In-Plane Oriented ($11\bar{2}0$) ZnO Films by Linear Cathode Magnetron Sputtering
- A New Contrast Echo Imaging Method Using Crossed Beams of Two Ultrasonic Frequencies
- Effects of Tensile Stress on the Hypersonic Properties of Thin Polymer Films
- Birefringence Measurement of Thin Polymer Films under Tensile Stress by a Brillouin Scattering Method
- Observation of Induced Shear Acoustic Phonons by Brillouin Scattering
- Effects of Sputtering Gas Conditions on Formation of ($11\bar{2}0$) Textured ZnO Films
- Effect of Copper Mesh at Interface between Stack and Heat Source in Thermoacoustic Cooling System
- Heat Pump Placed in the Resonance Tube Connected to the Loop-Tube-Type Thermoacoustic Cooling System Improves the Cooling Effect
- Shell Effects on Vibration Behavior of a Microcapsule in an Acoustic Field
- Observation of Shock Wave Propagation by a Sonoluminescing Bubble
- Improvement of Cooling Effect of Loop-Tube-Type Thermoacoustic Cooling System Applying Phase Adjuster
- Modulation of Sound Field in Looped-Tube Thermoacoustic Cooling System with Membrane
- Experimental Study on Acoustic Streaming in Water Containing Microcapsules
- Trial of Human Bone Cross-Sectional Imaging In vivo, Using Ultrasonic Echo Waves
- Conversion Characteristics of the Shear Wave Transducer Made of Unidirectionally Aligned ZnO Film in Plane
- A Simple Nondestructive Evaluation of an Adhesive Layer Using Elastic Wave Velocities
- Measurements of Phase Velocity of a Sound Wave Propagating in a Tube in Low Frequency Region
- "Two-Pass" Brillouin Scattering Geometry for the Investigation of Opto-Acoustic Properties of Thin Films
- Optical Observation of Microcapsule Destruction in an Acoustic Standing Wave