Malate dehydrogenases from nitrifying bacteria : purification and properties
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本土壌微生物学会の論文
- 1997-10-01
MASUKO Takashi
Department of Cell Biology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
Masuko T
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present
Masuko Takashi
近畿大学 薬学部細胞生物学
Tachibana Makoto
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present
Masuko Takashi
Laboratory Of Cell Biology School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
Masuko Takashi
Departments Of Molecular Biology Pharmaceutical Institute Tohoku University
Masuko Takashi
Department Of Agricultural And Biological Chemistry College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Masuko Takashi
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama‐shi Jpn
Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon Universi
Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon Universi
Takahashi Reiji
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry College Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Nihon University
Takahashi Reiji
Department Of Agricultural And Biological Chemistry College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Tokuyama Tatsuaki
Department Of Agricultural And Biological Chemistry College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Tokuyama T
College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Takahashi R
Tamagawa Univ. Tokyo Jpn
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