Measurement of pH in Fluidic Chip Using a Terahertz Chemical Microscope
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A terahertz chemical microscope (TCM) has been developed to visualize the chemical concentration of solutions in fluidic chips. Chemical potential — terahertz transducers were newly developed and applied to the bottom surfaces of the flow channels. When femtosecond laser pulses hit the transducers, terahertz waves are radiated from them. Since the amplitude of terahertz waves can be related to the chemical potential on the surface of the device, the distribution of chemical reactions on the surface can be visualized by scanning the laser on the device. Here, we report the demonstration of mapping of pH values using TCM with a spatial resolution of less than 1 mm. The pH distribution of the flow channels filled with 0.01 M NaOH and HCl was successfully visualized. In addition, the neutralization process was monitored.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2009-07-01
斗内 政吉
KIWA Toshihiko
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Tsukada K
Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Tsukada Keiji
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Tsukada K.
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
斗内 政吉
Kawayama Iwao
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Tani M
Research Center For Superconductor Photonics Osaka University
Tonouchi Masayoshi
Powersource And Device Development Daihen Corporation
Tsukada Keiji
Graduate School Of Natural Sci. And Technol. Okayama Univ.
Tsukada Keiji
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Okayama University
Tsukada Keiji
Superconducting Sensor Laboratory
Tsukada Keiji
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Kiwa Toshihiko
Graduate School Of Natural Sci. And Technol. Okayama Univ.
Kiwa T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
OKA Shohei
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
TONOUCHI Masayoshi
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Tsukada Keiji
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Oka Shohei
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Minami Yuji
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Tsukada K
Superconducting Sensor Lab. Chiba
Tonouchi Masayoshi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
斗内 政吉
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- 幻の科学技術立国
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- テラヘルツテクノロジーの将来展望
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- 26pEE-15 高温超伝導体La_Eu_ySr_xCuO_4のスピン電荷ストライプ秩序相におけるテラヘルツ領域の電荷応答(26pEE 銅酸化物2(スペクトロスコピー・輸送特性・置換効果),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 24pGM-9 高温超伝導体La_Eu_ySr_xCuO_4のテラヘルツ領域における電荷応答(24pGM 銅酸化物(超伝導・電子状態),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
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- ED2012-109 レーザーテラヘルツエミッション顕微鏡を用いた太陽電池評価技術の開発(ミリ波・テラヘルツ波デバイス・システム)
- テラヘルツ帯液晶素子の応答速度改善及び閾値電圧の低下(バイオ,エレクトロニクス,材料,界面,その場観察,その他一般)