Occurrence and new data of dellaite from the Akagane mine, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
A new occurrence of dellaite, a very rare mineral, at the Akagane mine, Japan, was confirmed and its chemical composition and XRD data for the natural material are reported for the first time in this paper. The mineral occurs in the high-temperature skarn of bicchulite and vesuvianite as a veinlet or interstitial constituent. Results of electron microprobe analysis indicated that the chemical composition of dellaite is almost identical to Ca6Si3O11(OH)2, and only a small amount of chlorine substitutes (OH). The six strongest lines in the powder XRD pattern are as follows: 3.07 (53) 0-22, 2.99 (38) 022, 2.86 (44) -2-11, 2.82 (100) 20-3, 2.55 (51) 005, and 2.29 (38) 030. The lattice parameters refined from the powder XRD data are as follows: a = 6.815(4), b = 6.937(3), and c = 12.890(6) Å; α = 90.71(4), β = 97.68(4), γ = 98.20(4)°, and V = 597.4(5) Å3. The indices are α = 1.655 and γ = 1.664, and optically biaxial; negative with 2V = large (>70°). Dellaite appears to be a later-stage hydration product of pre-existing skarn mineral(s) under a silica-deficient environment.
- 日本鉱物科学会の論文
- 2008-12-01
横山 一己
Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and Science
Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and Science
Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and Science
横山 一巳
Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Science Museum
Bunno Michiaki
Geological Museum Geological Survey Of Japan
Matsubara Satoshi
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Shimazaki Hidehiko
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Shimazaki Hidehiko
Department Of Geology And Paleonotology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Miyawaki R
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Miyawaki Ritsuro
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Science Museum
Shimazaki Hidehiko
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science:the University Of Tokyo
Yokoyama Kazumi
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Yokoyama Kazumi
Dep. Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Sci.
Miyawaki Ritsuro
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
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