Three-Dimensional Observation of Dislocations by Electron Tomography in a Silicon Crystal
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2008-09-01
Department of Health Care Chemistry, College of Environmental Health, Azabu University
Honda Masaki
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
Mitsuhara Masatoshi
Department Of Engineering Sciences For Electronics And Materials Kyushu University
HATA Satoshi
Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University
Hata Satoshi
Department Of Engineering Sciences For Electronics And Materials Kyushu University
Hata Satoshi
Department Of Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Eng
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyushu University
Honda Masaki
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyushu University
Kaneko Kenji
Department Of Machanical Engineering Saga University
Tanaka Masaki
Department Of Health Care Chemistry College Of Environmental Health Azabu University
Higashida Kenji
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyushu University
Higashida Kenji
Department Of Materials Science & Engineering Kyushu University
Kaneko Kenji
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Kaneko Kenji
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyushu University
Kaneko Kenji
Department Of Applied Bio-sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Tanaka Masaki
Department Of Anatomy & Neurobiology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
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