Low-Temperature Creep at Ultra-Low Strain Rates in Pure Aluminum Studied by a Helicoid Spring Specimen Technique
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2011-07-01
IKEDA Ken-ichi
Department of Electrical and Material Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
Department of Electrical and Material Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
Hata Satoshi
Department Of Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Eng
Ikeda Ken‐ichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Ikeda Ken-ichi
Department Of Electrical And Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Hata Satoshi
Department Of Electrical And Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
中島 英治
九州大学 大学院 総合理工学研究院
Shen Junjie
Department Of Molecular And Materials Science Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Scien
Department of Molecular and Materials Science, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Scie
Yamasaki Shigeto
Department Of Molecular And Materials Science Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Scien
Ikeda Ken-ichi
Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution National Institute For Agro-environmental S
Nakashima Hideharu
Department Of Electrical And Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
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- Low-Temperature Creep at Ultra-Low Strain Rates in Pure Aluminum Studied by a Helicoid Spring Specimen Technique
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- OS0205 SEM-EBSD法によるフェライト系耐熱鋼のクリープ損傷評価(放射光およびEBSD法による材料評価,OS-2 回折法による材料評価)