PDIP38 Associates with Proteins Constituting the Mitochondrial DNA Nucleoid
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2005-12-01
濱崎 直孝
濱崎 直孝
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyushu University Hospital
Hamasaki Naotaka
九州大学 大学院医学研究院臨床化学
Fukuoh Atsushi
Department of Microbiology and Immunochemistry, Asahikawa Medical College
Fukuoh Atsushi
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
KANG Dongchon
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
濱崎 直孝
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medic
KANKI Tomotake
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medic
AOKI Yoshimasa
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medic
CHENG Xiaoli
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medic
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Kyushu University
濱崎 直孝
Hamasaki Naotaka
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki International University
Hamasaki Naotaka
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Hamasaki Naotaka
Department Of Biochemistry Fukuoka University School Of Medicine
Takeya Ryu
Department Of Biochemistry And Biotechnology Kyushu University
Cheng Xiaoli
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Kang Dongchon
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Ohgaki Kippei
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Aoki Yoshimasa
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Kanki Tomotake
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Hamasaki Naotaka
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu
Fukuoh Atsushi
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medica
Hamasaki Naotaka
Dept Of Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Univ
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