- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-07-15
SHIBUYA Takehisa
Department of Electro-Photo Optics, School of Engineering, Tokai University
Amano Naoji
Department Of Electro-photo-optics Faculty Of Engineering Tokai University
Shibuya Tadaharu
Faculty Of Engineering Toyo University
Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
Yokota H
Department Of Electro-photo-optics Faculty Of Engineering Tokai University
YOKOTA Hideshi
Department of Electro-Photo-Optics, Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
Yokota Hideshi
Department Of Electro Photo Optics
Shibuya Takeshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Meiji University
Kawabata Shuichi
Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Polytechnics
Shibuya Takehisa
Department Of Applied Science Optics And Photonics School Of Engineering Tokai University
Department of Electro Photo Optics, Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Prevention of Reversed Flow in Gas Divertor with High Vacuum Chamber
- Analysis of Radial Electric Field Bifurcation in LHD Based on Neoclassical Transport Theory
- Characteristics of Hydrogen Negative Ions in Sheet Plasma
- Observation and Modeling of Molecular and Atomic Ions in Hydrogen Plasma
- ICRF加熱されたシートプラズマにおけるドップラー広がりによるイオン温度測定
- シート・プラズマ中のヘリウムイオン温度
- Transition of Edge Particle Transport in CHS
- Soft X-Ray Tomography of the m=2 Magnetic Island Structure in the JIPP T-II Tokamak
- Changes in Nitric Oxide Generated by the Oxidation of Oxymyoglobin by Nitrite
- NMR and Susceptibility Studies of Quasicrystalline Al-Mn-Si-Ru Alloys
- Radiation Loss and Impurity Abundance during ICRF Heating in the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Characteristics of the Detectors for Bolometric Measurement in Application to High Temperature Plasma
- Effect of In Situ Carbon Coating on ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas Relating to Radiation Loss by Iron-Impurities in JIPP T-IIU
- Improvement in Plasma Heating at Higher-Density Region Using 106.4GHz Electron Cyclotron Heating System for Compact Helical System(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- Correlation between glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive astrocytes and age in the human hippocampus
- Sulpiride for treatment of delusion of parasitosis
- Neuropathology of progressive supranuclear palsy
- In-Situ Ellipsometric Observations of Thickness Change in the Layers of Ag/a-As_2S_3 Film System with Progression of Photodoping
- Inhibitory Effects of Newly Synthesized Ser-Contained GABA-Peptides Administered into either Caudate Putamen or Amygdala on Methamphetamine-Induced Hyperactivity
- Observation of the Initial Stage of Ion Assisted Deposition Films Using a Rotating-Analyzer Ellipsometer
- Quadrupled Compact Disk-Read Only Memory Fabricated Using UV Light Source
- 回転移相子型偏光解析装置の測定精度に関する研究
- Four-detector photopolarimeter(FDP)の試作とその応用
- Effects of Oxygen and Transition Metals on the Advanced Maillard Reaction of Proteins with Glucose
- 金蒸着膜の成膜過程のエリプソメトリーによる観察
- Four Detector Polarimeter (FDP) の試作
- Hardness of Quasicrystals
- Compositional Regions of Single Icosahedral Phase in Ternary Nontransition Metal System : Condensed Matter
- 老年期せん妄患者に対するクエチアピンの使用経験
- Tran^S-labeling of cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni: a less expensive tool for tracing in vivo migration of schistosomula in mice
- 43-year-old-man presenting repeated pathologic fractures of limbs, dementia and grand mal
- Clinical aspects of progressive supranuclear palsy
- 超高解像力ホログラム材料の特性と評価
- 大口径低利得レーザのための新型不安定共振器
- 0.68μm帯InGaAlP可視半導体レーザの絶対周波数安定化
- 偏光解析法による蒸着薄膜の応力分布測定
- 近赤外ナノ秒パルスによるリング自己励起型位相共役鏡に関する研究
- ロジウムをドープしたBaTiO_3結晶のフォトリフラクティブ効果
- BaTiO_3結晶を用いた近赤外光による2光波混合
- 物理教育のためのホログラフィック多重記録実験
- Behavioral and developmental disorders among conduct disorder
- Relation between Age-Related Changes in Hyper-Emotionality and Serotonergic Neuronal Activities in the Rat Limbic System
- RF放電励起スラブ型Co_2レーザーの利得測定
- スラブ型CO_2レーザーの出力特性
- Characterization of Crystal Quality of Bi_GeO_ Films Deposited by Using RF Magnetron Sputtering
- Introduction : Pick's disease and frontotemporal dementia
- A 74-year-old woman presenting slowly progressive dementia and emotional instability
- Abnormal glial cytoskeleton in progressive supranuclear palsy
- 画像記録のためのBi_GeO_膜の構造評価
- A Suitable Detection Mode for Rapid, Highly Sensitive and Simultaneous Determination of Various Biogenic Amines by Coulometric HPLC
- 回折格子型InGaAlP可視半導体レーザを用いたホログラム
- 0.68μm InGaAIP可視半導体レーザーの周波数安定化
- 表面形状のための半導体レーザによるホログラム計測
- 回折格子型InGaAIP可視半導体レーザの動作特性
- In-Situ Observation of Photodoping Process in a Chalcogenide Glass As_2S_3 by Ellipsometry
- WS-5 Mental Health Care for the Elderly Women(ISPOG2007)
- Ellipsometric Study of Polished Glass Surfaces
- Adsorption of Water Vapour on a Cleavage Surface of Lithium Fluoride
- Extraction of Self-Diffraction Wave in Photorefractive Bi_SiO_ Crystals
- Differential, Postnatal Ontogeny of Opiate and Benzodiazepine Receptor Subtypes in Rat Cerebral Cortex: Binding Characteristics of Tifluadom and Brotizolam
- Psychotic symptoms complicate the clinical differentiation of Parkinson's disease with major depressive disorder from dementia with Lewy bodies
- Ellipsometric Study of Silicate Treatment of Aluminum Offset Printing Plates
- Temperature Dependence of the Optical Surface Thicknesses of α-Methylnapthaleme and Carbontetrachloride
- 光表面実装技術に関する研究
- 送受信型光表面実装デバイス
- Comparison of Typical and Atypical Benzodiazepines on the Central and Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptors
- Temperature Dependence of the Optical Surface Thickness of Water
- Association of interleukin-1β genetic polymorphisms with cognitive performance in elderly females without dementia
- Characteristics of Hydrogen Negative Ions in Sheet Plasma
- 光ヘテロダイン干渉法による複屈折自動測定
- Comparative Studies on the Inhibitory Effects of Calcium Antagonists on Cytosolic Ca2+Levels Increased by High-Potassium or Glutamate in Cultured Rat Cerebellar Granule Cells.
- Developmental alterations in maturing rats caused by chronic prenatal and postnatal diazepam treatments.
- Trials for Evaluating the Central Actions of Drugs using the Locomotor Activity of SHR Increased by a Novel Circumstances utilizing a Mild Audio Stressor
- Structure-affinity relationships between several new benzodiazepine derivatives and 3H-diazepam receptor sites.