- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-04-15
Fujioka Tomoo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Keio University
Fujioka Tomoo
Department Of Physics Tokai University
Yokota H
Department Of Electoro Photo Optics Facully Of Engineering Tokai University
Yokota Hideshi
Department Of Electro Photo Optics
Department of Electro-Photo-Optics, School of Engineering, Tokai University
Kobayashi Akifumi
Department Of Electro-photo-optics School Of Engineering Tokai University
Fujioka Tomoo
Department of Physics, Tokai University
- Performance Comparison of Real-Time Laser Absorption Spectrometers for NH_3 Detection at 1.54 and 3.03μm in a H_2O Vapor Mixture
- Measurements of NO_2 Concentration with Wide Dynamic Range Based on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Using a Multi-Pass Optical Cell : Effects of Ambient Temperature Change at the Optical Cell
- Trace Methane Detection Based on Raman Spectroscopy Using a High Finesse Optical Resonator
- Performance Characteristics of Power Build-Up Cavity for Raman Spectroscopic Measurement
- Yb Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Source Based on Difference Frequency Generation and Its Application to Ammonia Detection
- レーザー誘起蛍光法を用いた有機化学物質の検出
- Theoretical Analysis of a Radio Frequency Excited Slab CO_2 Laser
- レーザー切断時のカーフ内気流の観察
- 中赤外 Optical Multi-channel Analyzer の開発
- Spatially Resolved Gain Measurements of a Slab Type RF Excited CO_2 Laser
- 安定共振器を伴った不安定共振器
- 高速度撮影によるレーザー切断現象の研究
- レーザ焼入れに関する研究
- CO_2スラブ型レーザーの small signal gain 空間分布
- フォワードモードとバックワードモードが結合した共振器
- An Experimental Investigation of the Novel Unstable Resonator with a Stable Resonator Core
- Development of a Mist Singlet Oxygen Generator
- 霧化型励起酸素発生器の基礎研究III
- Numerical Simulation of a Mist Singlet Oxygen Generator(Optics and Quantum Electronics)
- 霧化型励起酸素発生器の基礎研究II
- 霧化型励起酸素発生器の基礎研究
- Two-Dimensional Simulation of and Experiments on the Forward-Backward Modes Coupled Unstable Resonator
- Analysis of Heat Release from Gain Medium of Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser
- Output Power Enhancement of a Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser by Predissociated Iodine Injection
- 化学酸素沃素レーザー(Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser : COIL)の高圧力動作
- 沃素のマイクロ波放電解離を用いた超音速化学酸素沃素レーザ
- Waveform Shaping of a Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Utilizing the Zeeman Effect
- 化学酸素沃素レーザーの磁場によるパルス発振
- 化学酸素沃素レーザの磁場による出力制御
- Observation of the Initial Stage of Ion Assisted Deposition Films Using a Rotating-Analyzer Ellipsometer
- Kinetic Studies of the Electron-Beam-Pumped ArF Laser Using an Ne/Ar/F_2 Mixture
- 回転移相子型偏光解析装置の測定精度に関する研究
- Four-detector photopolarimeter(FDP)の試作とその応用
- 金蒸着膜の成膜過程のエリプソメトリーによる観察
- Four Detector Polarimeter (FDP) の試作
- レーザー オリジナル Development of a Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor Based on Mid-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- 超高解像力ホログラム材料の特性と評価
- Effect of the Gas Temperature of a High-Power Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser on Calculated Small Signal Gain and Output Power
- Parametric Studies of a 13.56-MHz RF-Discharge-Pumped CO_2 Laser with Wide-Area Cylindrical Slab Geometry
- Effect of an SF_6 Additive on a TE CO Laser
- Improved Performance of a Pulsed CO Laser with Xylene Additive
- Comprehensive Studies on a Photoinitiated H_2/F_2 Laser Using Atmospheric Gas Mixtures with O_2 Inhibitor
- An H_2(D_2)/F_2 Chemical Laser Initiated with a Novel Teflon Surface Spark UV Flash
- 大口径低利得レーザのための新型不安定共振器
- 0.68μm帯InGaAlP可視半導体レーザの絶対周波数安定化
- Effect of Residual CO on Combustion-Type CO_2-Gas Dynamic Laser Performance
- A Comparative Study of a Pulsed CO TE Laser and a Pulsed CS_2/O_2 Chemical Laser
- Influence of Mode Dispersion on Critical Power of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Multimode Optical Fibers
- Hundredjoule-Level KrF Lasers Excited Longitudinally by an Intense Electron Beam
- Development of Multihundredjoule HF (H_2/SF_6) Chemical Lasers Initiated by Intense Electron Beams
- 偏光解析法による蒸着薄膜の応力分布測定
- 近赤外ナノ秒パルスによるリング自己励起型位相共役鏡に関する研究
- ロジウムをドープしたBaTiO_3結晶のフォトリフラクティブ効果
- BaTiO_3結晶を用いた近赤外光による2光波混合
- RF放電励起スラブ型Co_2レーザーの利得測定
- スラブ型CO_2レーザーの出力特性
- フェムト秒フォトンと物質との相互作用の研究
- Characterization of Crystal Quality of Bi_GeO_ Films Deposited by Using RF Magnetron Sputtering
- Outward-Inward Mode Coupled Unstable Resonator
- 光力システムにおける窒素を用いた高効率超音速化学酸素沃素レーザー
- 光力システムにおける超音速化学励起沃素レーザーの新型 Jet type 励起酸素発生器の動作特性
- Design Considerations of a RF-Pumped High-Power CO_2 Laser with a W-Axicon Type Optical Resonator
- The Unstable Resonant with a Stable Resonator Core
- 回折格子型InGaAlP可視半導体レーザを用いたホログラム
- 0.68μm InGaAIP可視半導体レーザーの周波数安定化
- 表面形状のための半導体レーザによるホログラム計測
- 回折格子型InGaAIP可視半導体レーザの動作特性
- CO_2 Waveguide Laser Cooled by a Peltier Thermoelectric Module
- Pulsed HF Chemical Lasers from Reactions of Fluorine Atoms with Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Methanol, and Acetone
- A UV-Preionized High-Repetition-Rate TEA CO_2 Laser
- Ellipsometric Study of Polished Glass Surfaces
- Adsorption of Water Vapour on a Cleavage Surface of Lithium Fluoride
- Extraction of Self-Diffraction Wave in Photorefractive Bi_SiO_ Crystals
- An Anomalous Transient Behavior of the Sealed CO_2 Laser
- Extraction of Methane from Methane Hydrate Using Lasers
- Simple Real Time Trace Nitrogen Dioxide Detector Based on Continuous-Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy Using Passively Locked External Cavity Diode Laser
- Parametric Study of TE HF Chemical Lasers
- Temperature Dependence and Enhanced Output of Pulsed Discharge-Initiated HF Chemical Lasers Using SF_6/H_2, SF_6/CH_4 and SF_6/C_4H_ Mixtures
- Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Studies on the TE HF Chemical Lasers Using the Mixtures of SF_6/H_2 and SF_6/CH_4
- Temperature Dependence of the Optical Surface Thicknesses of α-Methylnapthaleme and Carbontetrachloride
- 光表面実装技術に関する研究
- 送受信型光表面実装デバイス
- Temperature Dependence of the Optical Surface Thickness of Water
- Critical Power of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Multimode Optical Fibers
- Removal of Water Vapor in a Mist Singlet Oxygen Generator for Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser
- High-Pressure Nozzle Bank for a Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser
- Yb Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Source Based on Difference Frequency Generation and Its Application to Ammonia Detection
- Parametric Studies on Improved Laser Cutting Performance of Magnesium Alloy with Two Flow Nozzles
- Performance Characteristics of Narrow Linewidth Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Difference Frequency Mixing Light Source for Methane Detection
- Vector Analysis of W-Axicon Type Optical Resonator for a Coaxial CO2 Laser
- 光ヘテロダイン干渉法による複屈折自動測定
- Two-Dimensional Simulation of and Experiments on the Forward-Backward Modes Coupled Unstable Resonator
- Spatially Resolved Gain Measurements of a Slab Type RF Excited CO2 Laser