Prevention of Reversed Flow in Gas Divertor with High Vacuum Chamber
大藪 修義
National Institute for Fusion Science
OHYABU Nobuyoshi
National Insitute for Fusion Science
SUDO Shigeru
National Insitute for Fusion Science
National Insitute for Fusion Science
WATANABE Tsuguhiro
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Shimozuma T
National Institute For Fusion Science
Shimozuma Takashi
Department Of Applied Science Optics And Photonics School Of Engineering Tokai University
Sakamoto Shigeyasu
National Insitute For Fusion Science
Ohyabu N
National Institute For Fusion Science
Kawamura K
Tokai University
Kawahata K
Takayama K
Tokai University
Watanabe T
National Institute For Fusion Science
MURATA Ryoichiro
Department of Nuclear Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokai University
SAKAMOTO Shigeyasu
Department of Nuclear Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokai University
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Research Institute of Science & Technology, Tokai University
Research Institute of Science & Technology, Tokai University
Department of Nuclear Energy, School of Engineering, Tokai University
SHIBUYA Takehisa
Department of Electro-Photo Optics, School of Engineering, Tokai University
SATO Kuninori
National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University
Sakamoto Shigeyasu
Department Of Nuclear Engineering
Nanri K
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Nanri Kenzo
Department Of Physics Tokai University
MURATA Ryoichiro
Course of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University
National Institute for Fusion Science
Tonegawa A
Tokai University
Sato K
Asahi Glass Co. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Sato K
Depertment Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato K
Faculty Of Applied Biological Science Hiroshima University
Sato K
National Institute For Fusion Science
Tonegawa Akira
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Takayama Kazuo
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Sato Kuninori
Institute For Fusion Science
Sudo S
National Insitute For Fusion Science
Sasaki K
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Sato K
Dept. Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Tonegawa A
Department Of Physics Tokai University
Nagata Ken
Department Of Nuclear Energy School Of Engineering Tokai University
Nagata Ken
Department Of Neurology Research Institute For Brain And Blood Vessels
SATO Kazuo
Faculty of Education, Tokusima University
Sakamoto Susumu
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Tokai University
Kawamura K
Japan Nuclear Cycle Dev. Inst.(jnc)
Watanabe Takasi
National Institute For Fusion Science
Toi K
National Inst. Fusion Sci. Toki Jpn
Murata Ryoichiro
Course Of Applied Science Graduate School Of Engineering Tokai University
Nagata Ken
Department Of Dermatology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Takayama Kazuo
Reseach Institute Of Science And Technology Tokai University
Shibuya Takehisa
Department Of Applied Science Optics And Photonics School Of Engineering Tokai University
Sato Kuninori
National Insititute for Fusion Science
Department of Engineering Science, Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto, Kasugai, Aichi 487-8501, Japan
- Thirty-Minute Plasma Sustainment by ICRF, EC and NBI Heating in the Large Helical Device
- Supersymmetry restoration in small volume lattices
- Theoretical Modeling of Transport Barriers in Helical Plasmas
- Abrupt Flushing of High-Density Core in Internal Diffusion Barrier Plasmas and its Suppression by Plasma Shape Control in LHD
- Stability and Confinement Studies of High-Performance NBI Plasmas in the Large Helical Device Toward a Steady-State Helical Fusion Reactor
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Linear Analysis of a Localized Plasma-Loaded Backward Wave Oscillator Driven by an Annular Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
- Sustained Detachment with the Self-Regulated Plasma Edge beneath the Last Closed Flux Surface in LHD
- Retention and Desorption of Hydrogen and Helium in Inner Wall Material Used for The Large Helical Device (LHD) : Simulation experiments using a glow discharge apparatus
- 可視分光法によるHeおよびNeシートプラズマ中のイオン温度測定
- Prevention of Reversed Flow in Gas Divertor with High Vacuum Chamber
- ストリング・プラズマ、シート・プラズマのイオン温度測定
- ストリング・プラズマの分光測定
- Local Impurity Deposition in a Magnetic Island by Means of a Tracer-Encapsulated Solid Pellet in the LHD
- Density Profile Effects On Confinement and MHD Stability of Currentless NBI Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Applicability of Laser Phase Contrast Method for the Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in High-Temperature Plasmas
- Reconstruction of Edge-Plasma Density Profiles by Neutral Beam Probe Spectroscopy
- Application of Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method for Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- Spectrum Identification of Heliotron E Plasma Impurities by a Time-Resolving Grazing Incidence Spectrometer with a Multichannel Detector : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- The Sources of Fe Impurity in Heliotron E Plasma during NBI : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Studies of Particle Behaviour in Heliotron E by Means of Balmer-Alpha Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Neutral Density Measurements by Charge Exchange Analysis on the Heliotron E Plasma
- Two Pulse and Multiple Position Thomson Scattering System
- Analysis of Radial Electric Field Bifurcation in LHD Based on Neoclassical Transport Theory
- Ray Tracing Analyses of Current-Free ECRH Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Electron Cyclotron Emission Diagnostics in the Large Helical Device
- 表面磁場による完全β=1プラズマ保持配位への自発転移
- シート・プラズマ中のヘリウムイオン温度
- LHDダイバータ模擬実験のための高熱流シートプラズマ開発研究
- Emergence of amantadine-resistant influenza A viruses : epidemiological study
- Extension of Improved Particle and Energy Confinement Regime in the Core of LHD Plasma
- Electron Confining Potential When the Electrons Have Finite Axial Loss Time
- Characteristics of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E Measured Using a Wide Beam Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Neutron and Fast Atom Spectrometry Using Natural Diamond Detectors
- Steady-State Operation Scenario and the First Experimental Result on QUEST
- Impurity Retention Effect in the Edge Ergodic Layer of the Large Helical Device
- Linear Mode Conversion between Ordinary and Extraordinary Waves in Plasma with Large Magnetic Shear
- Linear Dispersion Relation of Double Period Slow Wave Structure for High-Power Backward Wave Oscillators
- Resonant Enhancement of Radiation from a Backward Wave Oscillator Utilizing Large Diameter Corrugated Metal Structure
- Linear Analysis of a Backward Wave Oscillator with Coaxial Slow Wave Structure
- Absolute Instability of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in a Plasma Waveguide with Periodic Boundaries
- Analysis on Field Line and Poynting Vectors in Corrugated Wall Waveguides
- Effect of Beam Energy Spread on Radiation Intensity in a High-Power Backward Wave Oscillator with Finite Length
- Electromagnetic Field Properties of Axial Modes in a Finite Length X-Band Slow Wave Structure
- Therapeutic effects of stronger neo-minophagen C at different doses on chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
- Tomboulisの閉じ込めの証明について(量子場理論と弦理論の発展,基礎物理学研究所2008年度前期研究会,研究会報告)
- 格子ゲージ理論におけるカイラル対称性の実現
- Potential Formation in a High-Temperature Divertor Plasma
- Interaction of Axially Streaming Electron Beam with Axisymmetric TM Mode in a Periodical Slow Wave Structure with Finite Magnetic Field
- 13aQA-4 Charge Exchange Measurements on LHD Heliotron with a Compact Neutral Particle Analyzer
- A New Numerical Integration Scheme of Very High Order and A-Stable
- A New Boundary Control Scheme for Simultaneous Achievement of H-Mode and Radiative Cooling (SHC Boundary)
- Plasma Plugging in Gas Divertor
- Interchange Stability Criteria for Anisotropic Central-Cell Plasmas in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Particle Orbit Analysis under the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating in the Large Helical Device
- Field line and Particle orbit Analysis in the Periphery of the Large Helical Device
- Flexural Strength of a Plain-Woven Tyranno-SA Fiber-Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
- Hi-Nicalon^ Fiber-Reinforced CVI-SiC Matrix Composites : II Interfacial Shear Strength and Its Effects on the Flexural Properties
- Experimental Study of the Spectral Characteristics of a High Power, Pulsed D_2O Laser for Application to Plasma Diagnostics
- Isotopic Effect on Thermal Physical Properties of Isotopically Modified Boron Single Crystals
- Protuberances of Plasma Pressure Caused by Moderately High Power Microwaves in a Corrugated Wall Waveguide
- Numerical Diagnostics of the Electrostatic Potential Perturbed by Magnetic Islands
- Single Particle and Fluid Picture for the Ponderomotive Drift in Cold Magnetized Plasmas
- Excitation Characteristics of Ion Waves in a Negative Ion Plasma
- Incidence of Amantadine-Resistant Influenza A Viruses in Sentinel Surveillance Sites and Nursing Homes in Niigata, Japan
- Monte-Carlo Simulation of Neoclassical Transport in Magnetic Islands and Ergodic Regions
- Formation of Silicon Nanowires by CVD Using Gold Catalysts at Low Temperatures
- Isotopic Effect on Thermal Conductivity of Diamond Thin Films
- Influence of Silicon Dioxide Doping on Morphology of Silicon Nanowires Grown by Floating Zone Method
- Characterization of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae Detected in Dogs and Ticks in Okinawa, Japan
- First Detection of Ehrlichia platys in Dogs and Ticks in Okinawa, Japan
- Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia among Dogs and Humans in Okinawa, Japan
- In Situ Growth of Isotopically Enriched ^Si Nanowires Using the Floating-Zone(FZ) Melting Method : Semiconductors
- Ion Distribution Function Evaluation Using Escaping Neutral Atom Kinetic Energy Samples
- Simulation of Angle and Energy Resolved Fluxes of Escaping Neutral Particles from Fusion Plasmas with an Isotropic Ion Distribution
- Long Range Temperature Fluctuation in LHD
- Resistance to a mating disruptant composed of (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in the smaller tea tortrix, Adoxophyes honmai (Yasuda)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
- Observation of Ion Cyclotron Emission Owing to DD Fusion Product H Ions in JT-60U
- Study of Plasma-Surface Interaction Control by Light Atom Pellet Injection
- Diagnostics of Particle Transport by Double-Layer Pellet
- Topological Charge of Lattice Abelian Gauge Theory
- High Temperature Divertor Plasma Operation
- Discriminating Acquisition of 15-MeV Protons from D-3He Fusion Reaction in LHD
- Helium Ion Observation during 3rd Harmonic Ion Cyclotron Heating in Large Helical Device
- DT Fusion Ignition of LHD-Type Helical Reactor by Joule Heating Associated with Magnetic Axis Shift
- High-Density, Low Temperature Ignited Operations in FFHR
- Nonlinear Simulation of Collapse Phenomenon in Helical Plasma with a Large Pressure Gradient
- Improved Pellet Charge Exchange Measurements in Large Helical Device
- Density Regimes of Complete Detachment and Serpens Mode in LHD
- Multi-Functional Diagnostic Method with Tracer-Encapsulated Pellet Injection
- Investigation of Carbon Films on Material Probes in the Vicinity of Local Island Divertor in the Large Helical Device
- New Control Method of the Unstable Operating Point in the FFHR Helical Reactor
- Pellet Injection and Internal Diffusion Barrier Formation in Large Helical Device
- Characteristics of Radiating Collapse at the Density Limit in the Large Helical Device
- Heat- and Particle-Deposition Distribution on Helical Divertor Plates in LHD During Real-Time Magnetic-Axis Swing Operations
- LHD Bootstrap Current Coefficient Calculations with the VENUS+δ f code
- New 20-Channel Diagnostic for Angle-Resolved Fast Particles Measurements in LHD
- Microwave Imaging Reflectometry Experiment in TPE-RX
- Neoclassical Transport Properties in High-Ion-Temperature Hydrogen Plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD)
- Impurity Transport Study with TESPEL Injection and Simulation