二成分溶液の過冷却凝固 : デンドライトのフラクタル解析
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-08-15
SUDA Fujio
Department of Resources and Environmental Sciences,School of Humanities and Culture,Tokai University
Suda Fujio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Department of Engineering Physics and Mechanics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Department of Resources and Enviroment Science, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University
Mochizuki Kiyohide
Department Of Resources And Enviroment Science School Of Humanities And Culture Tokai University
Fujimoto Takashi
Department Of Aeronautical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyusyu University
Fujimoto Takashi
Department Of Resources And Enviroment Science School Of Humanities And Culture Tokai University
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- 新型太陽熱蒸留器の室内性能実験 : 総収量の塩水流量依存性
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- Free Z_3 Exciton Luminescence Spectra of Vapor-deposited CuCl Films(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Exciton Luminescence of CuCl Associated with a New Bound State Generated by Long Time Photo-irradiation(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Genetic Prognostic Index Influences Patient Outcome for Node-Positive Breast Cancer
- Upregulation and Overexpression of Human X-box Binding Protein 1 (hXBP-1) Gene in Primary Breast Cancers
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- Shapes of Growing Domains in Ferroelectric Triglycine Sulfate and Triglycine Selenate
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- イオン交換膜利用淡海水直接発電(DB発電) : 長期間使用による出力電力の劣化
- 二成分溶液の過冷却凝固 : デンドライトのフラクタル解析
- 矩形自然循環ループにおける流れの不安定性 : 不安定領域に対する傾斜角度と冷却水温の影響
- UDB I型発電素子性能のIEF枚数・塩分濃度依存性
- 矩形ループ内自然対流の水流・伝熱特性
- シミュレーションによるUDBメガフロート発電プラントの策定(I)
- 新型太陽熱蒸留器の室内性能実験 : 凝縮室付き傾斜トレイ・ウィック型太陽熱蒸留器
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- 実用化プラントを想定したDB発電方式の開発
- 二成分溶液の過冷却凝固(II) : デンドライトのフラクタル次元
- 新型太陽熱蒸留器の室内性能実験(II) : 循環型にした場合の効果
- 二成分溶液の過冷却凝固 : デンドライトのフラクタル次元
- 塩水圧送式DB発電の基本特性
- グラニュラー・アイス方式冷熱貯蔵 : クーラントの粘性効果
- DB発電とUDB発電機の性能比較
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- Collision Broadening of Principal Series Lines of Barium in the Presence of Krypton
- Collision-Induced Dipole Transitions Associated with High-Lying States. : I. Absorption Studies of Barium in Rare Gases
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- Absorption Studies of the Collision-Induced Dipole Transitions (4s-3d and 4s-5d) of Calcium in Rare Gases
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- Excitation Anisotropy in Laser-Induced-Fluorescence Spectroscopy : High-Intensity, Broad-Line Excitation
- Improvement of Shock Wave Generation in a T-Tube
- Effects of Anisotropic Excitation in Laser-Induced Fluoresceruce Spectroscopy (LIFS)
- Elimination of the Excitation Anisotropy Effects in the Laser-Based Determination of Atomic Collision Rate Coeffecient-Depopulating Collisions of Neon 2p^53p Atoms
- Collisional-Radiative Calculation of the Population Inversion in the Argon Ion Laser
- Polarization spectroscopy : Prospect and data needs
- Validity Criteria for Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Coronal Equilibrium
- Laser-Induced-Fluorescence-Spectroscopy of Atomic Processes under a High Magnetic Field
- Excitation Transfer of Helium 3^1P, D→3^3Dby Atomic Collisions : Violation of Wigner's Spin Conservation Rule
- Kinetics of Ionization-Recombination of a Plasma and Population Density of Excited Ions. III. : Recombining Plasma-High-Temperature Case
- Kinetics of Ionization-Recombination of a Plasma and Population Density of Excited Ions. IV. Recombining Plasma-High-Low Temperature Case
- Kinetics of Ionization-Recombination of a Plasma and Population Density of Excited Ions. I. Equilibrium Plasma
- Kinetics of Ionization-Recombination of a Plasma and Population Density of Excited Ions.V.Ionization-Recombination and Equilibrium Plasma
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- Kinetics of Ionization-Recombination of a Plasma and Population Density of Excited Ions. II. Ionizing Plasma
- Dielectric Breakdown Phenomena during Secondary Electron Emission Measurement of Sputter-Deposited MgO Films
- Temperature Effect on the Morphology and Fractal Dimensions of Zinc Metal Leaves
- Post-Buckling Behavior of Centrally Cracked Plates Under Tension : Solid-Mechanics, Strength of Materials