Shapes of Moving Domain Boundary Affected by Edge Dislocation in Ferroelectric Crystal of Triglycine Sulfate
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Shapes of moving [80'-wall affected by stresses due to a dislocation wereobtained for TGS crystals from calculations based on Nakamura's theory ofdomain growth. Anisotropic sidewise velocity, v, of wall motion under the stressT was determined on the assumption that v depended on T through the wallenergy density o; the T dependence of o was derived from the Zhirnov-typecontinuum theory. An edge component, rather than a screw component, of adislocation which is parallel to the ferroelectric axis affects the value of o. Undera low field the wall is caught in the dislocation, while under a high field it easilypasses through the dislocation. The results arc in qualitative agreement withexperimental observations.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1979-11-15
SUDA Fujio
Department of Resources and Environmental Sciences,School of Humanities and Culture,Tokai University
Suda Fujio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
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