- 論文の詳細を見る
The Indian subcontinent and Asian continent first contacted in the late Cretaceous (about 65Ma) and strongly collided after 52Ma because northward motion of the Indian Subcontinent slowed from 18-20cm/yr to 4.5cm/yr. Although the first record of uplift in Himalayan regions has been recorded during the Eocene. Major uplifts of the Himalayan Range and Tibetan Plateau and following sediment supply started from Oligocene through Miocene. Particularly, the rapid uplift stages of Himalayan-Tibetan regions have been recognized, at least. Around 8Ma and the last 1Ma based on sedimentological studies of marine terrestrial sequences. The micropaleontological studies in marine sequences revealed that the increased elevations in the Himalayan-Tibetan regions forced monsoonal circulation about 8Ma, which produced intense upwelling around the Arabian Sea and more seasonal climate changes of terrestrial sequences around the southern Asia. The hypothesis that uplift of plateaus and mountains caused large-scale climate changes during the Cenozoic is still unknown. However, an enhanced chemical weathering due to tectonic uplift in the Himalayan-Tibetan regions may be explained as the active driving force of the Cenozoic global cooling at the beginning of 50Ma.
- 石油技術協会(The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology)JAPTの論文
- 2005-01-01
- 地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」の下北半島沖慣熟航海コア試料 : 物性変動から予測される古環境変動
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